직방 스마트 홈넷

It is a home network application for smartphones provided by Zigbang.

직방 스마트 홈넷 - Home Network Control App

"직방 스마트 홈넷" is a comprehensive home network application for smartphones provided by Zigbang, allowing users to control gas valves, heating, lighting, and other appliances. The app enables users to check notices, monitor visitor arrivals, inquire about maintenance costs, and set home status for security. With intuitive features for managing home environments, it enhances convenience and security for apartment residents.

App stats

Downloads: 214,171
Version: 2.3.4 (Last updated: 2017-11-24)
Creation date: 2011-04-24
Full description: See detailed description


User reviews

단지설정에서 헬리오시티가 검색되지 않습니다. 며칠 전에는 검색되었는데 앱을 삭제 후 다시 설치했더니 수차례 해봐도 검색이 안됩니다.
by A Google user, 2019-01-21

아이디 와 함께 패스워드도 저장해서 클릭한번으로 열수있게 해주세요
by A Google user, 2016-12-29
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