Auto Agent

Auto Agent lets you monitor, diagnose and reprogram vehicles

Total ratings

4.82 (Rating count: 2,581)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and set up for tuning.
  • Great customer service and tech support.
  • Good for monitoring vehicle performance.
  • Convenient use of phone or tablet for app functionality.
  • Frequent connection issues and app glitches.
  • Gauges freeze or become unresponsive.
  • Limited customization options for gauges.
  • Difficulty retrieving or understanding tuning profiles.
Most mentioned
  • Connectivity issues with the app and OBD port.
  • Gauges and monitoring features have usability problems.
  • Overall ease of use for tuning is appreciated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.82
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Date Author Rating Comment
D. Arney
At this point I give customer service a fat ZERO this item being sold through someone else is not my issue communication between the seller and auto agent is not in my purview everyone I've spoken with claim this is a good product, if you can't retrieve the profiles, it makes the value zero. besides I was told plug and play make sure you have all the information before you spend your money!!.
Justin Pollard
Just loaded my first tune and seems easy hopefully the rest of the experience is just as easy!
james Wright
Easy to use, great monitoring and tuning!
This was all really easy to do and figure out on my own, im quite happy with the ease and the app quality
Joshua Schantz
The app keeps telling me codes that are wrong and the truck is running fine and no support.
David Deweese
Incredibly easy for a person without any experience. Tech Support is very good. I'd encourage anyone to buy the EZ Tune hardware and software. Spend the little $$$ extra $$$ for lifetime updates. They just updated the torque with Transmission for smoother shifting. I trust these guys.
Jeffrey Garland
Works for me, the tutorial could be more in depth and the price we pay for tuning you think there would be more information on how it all works, maybe I'm only one that feels like I have no clue what direction to go.... Such as on transmission tuning... High shift points vs. raised shift points????
Kris Brown
Won't connect to my phone. It says connected on my wifi but the app says it's not. Tells me to make sure it's connected to the obd port. I have plugged and unplugged many times to reset. I have gotten it to connect a handful of times but honestly with as much trouble I've had I'll be looking for a new tuner that works when I need it to. I currently have a cel on I can't clear because it won't connect.
Byron Hohlt
All in all a great way to tune your vehicle. The gauges though are ok. Hard to read them sometimes and it's always 8 different sensors at one time. It would be better if you could customize the gauge layout to display fewer and bigger. My phone is in a holder on the dash, so some of the small gauges I can barely read. At least have a large 2 gauge setup for boost and egt.
The app overall is fairly easy to use and is decently laid out. However when I have the app up on any phone, several gauges will freeze and others will not. I have to exit the dashboard screen and then go back to it for them to work again. It happens consistently and it's very irritating to mess with driving. Please fix this.
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