USB Audio Player PRO

High quality media player supporting USB audio DACs and HiRes audio chips

Total ratings

3.91 (Rating count: 13,213)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Excellent sound quality and output
  • Good library management and integration with streaming services like Tidal and Qobuz
  • Customer service is responsive and helpful
  • Improvement over time with regular updates
  • Works well with high-end audio devices
  • App causes audio issues on the device after use
  • Poor shuffle functionality leads to repetitive listening
  • User interface is unattractive and unintuitive
  • Crashes and freezes, causing need for restarts
  • Playback errors and issues with some streaming services
Most mentioned
  • Sound quality is top-notch
  • User interface needs improvement
  • Issues with app freezing or crashing
  • Problems with shuffle functionality leading to repetitiveness
  • Audio playback issues affecting device sound
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 3.91
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Date Author Rating Comment
Marcel W
App breaks all audio on device until headphones are unplugged after closing half the time. After two years of dealing with it I have enough. I've tried everything(as you can imagine after two years) It's frustrating as it sometimes just works perfectly and other times refuses.
GT Six
The shuffle function is horrible. With playlists and folders with hundreds of different tracks and dozens of different artists, you'll hear the same artists tracks multiple times in 15-20 minutes of play. At times, it's one artist for one song, then another artist for another song, then back to the original artist over and over. Again, with hundreds of tracks, it just repeats. You have to constantly hit next. In response to support, there are NO duplicate tracks.
Tommaso Russo
Sound quality is top-notch! All I can ask and I'm not sure it could be done is for vertical artwork to be supported more. Even if they could be fitted better on the sides to fit that would be great. The color matching is basically perfect and I'm happy I bought this player!
Michael Manzanares
This is definitely my favorite music player ever. It has only improved vastly over the years, and shows no sign of stopping. I use it with Tidal, since my phone doesn't have much storage for offline flacs.. Sounds great with my hd650s! If I had to nit pick.. I've found that contacting the developer or going to the online forums is the best way to get/give help and suggestions. Definitely worth the money to me!
Dean Dake
Finally found one that works. I tried the rest, wavelet was one but you have to go into the phone with an emulator and change permissions. blah Another experience was boom but I coulnd't get 24 bit to play through it. This works out of the box. I cost a few but well worth avoiding the frustration of the others. My ciems play mids really accurately. This sounds a little muddy to me. I adjusted that right out with the EQ. I am tempted with the other features that require in app purchases.
Cole J
Somehow, something about this app causes my USB connection to be extremely sensitive to movement and any slight touch or movement will cause the android "let this app handle DAC" message to pop up and stop playback. I've been replacing USB cords and thinking my port is busted, but I've been able to toggle some setting (that I haven't memorized yet) to make this stop for a whole session until I unplug and plug back in. For an $8 app, this is extremely unfortunate. Edit: I'm over it.
Rich Savage
Update: Customer Service assisted me in correcting the problem. Stations take longer than usual to load, but most are playing as they should. There are some stations that do not load at all. I will check over the next few days, and if they still don't load and play, I will again contact customer service for assistance. Radio stations skip and/or loop portions of songs over and over again. Just sent a message and now awaiting a response from customer service.
Please improve the UI of an otherwise perfect app. Some of the UI elements and settings are currently too convoluted to navigate. For example, why does swiping down on the player menu not hide it, but instead skips albums? An option to change the behaviour would be nice to see. Also I don't even need to mention how ugly the player UI can be. Removing the status bar and navigation bar shade (making them transparent) would do absolute wonders in improving the look of the now playing UI.
Bill Rehbock
An incredibly well crafted application. Good library management and excellent quality output and resampling. I like that they have all of the proper warning in the app that tell you how to get the best experience. It was also DELIGHTED that they have a beta version for Android TV available to paying customers that isn't perfect for everyone, but was absolutely perfect for what I needed. If you have headphones or other audio devices with a good quality USB DAC, you will definitely appreciate it.
Zachary Butler Jr
Keeps giving me decode errors on music streamed through TIDAL. The songs will start playing then all of a sudden they cut off. Before they stop playing the app will say decode error and that the file may be corrupt. If I play on the actual TIDAL app the songs play in their entirety without any issue's. I brought the issue's to their attention and they were quick to reply and work on a fix the issue's. I recommend this player 100x over! Thanks Davy!
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