Evite: Email & SMS Invitations

Free Digital & Text Invitations For Your Party

Total ratings

3.84 (Rating count: 19,150)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Convenient way to send out party invitations.
  • Ability to include both email addresses and cell phone numbers for sending evites.
  • Good summary feature for tracking RSVPs.
  • A variety of free designs available for invitations.
  • Frequent login issues and app crashes.
  • Bugs and glitches causing functionality problems.
  • Poor user interface and difficult navigation.
  • Issues with guest invitations not being received.
  • Lack of customization options compared to the website.
Most mentioned
  • Login and access issues.
  • Bugs and app stability problems.
  • Poor usability and interface after updates.
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Recent rating average: 1.60
All time rating average: 3.84
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Date Author Rating Comment
Susan Goldman
When I started using the app about a month ago it worked fine. Now when I click on my project it doesn't show up...just a spinning circle on the screen...forever! Where is my evite? What gives? I'm uninstalling now. Update...thank you for fixing the issue and for responding! I have changed my review from one star to 3. I will be checking out the changes.
Kaylee Ventura
This app has gone downhill since last year. It was great when I needed to use it for my bridal shower invites. It started getting spotty a little later when I was trying to create a kid party invite. Now, I am unable to get it to work. It has been loading all day. I have tried closing the app, uninstalling, reinstalling. It will not work. It is so freaking frustrating. Why does it not work????
Riley Fade
The iPhone version is much nicer I have never found this to be true with any other app (I usually dislike the IOS version of apps) but I much prefer Evite on IOS. It allows the host to see messages sent by guests with their RSVP on the guest list when looking at the Guest List. It also just looks and feels much cleaner with regards to the interface of the app. I do like that the host has the ability to set a guest to Yes, No, or No Reply.iPhone doesnt have this feature.Please fix these things :)
Kevin Ong
This app is terrible. I was able to access a party I'm planning and now I can't even log in. I have tried to clear the cache, reinstall the app and restart me phone. I could not log in whether it was using the auto login via Google or manually entering in password. I just used the website via web browser and it works every time. If I could give it zero stars, I would.
Jacquelyn McSheene
App no longer works. I get the error message, "There was an error signing in. Please try again." I know I am using the correct login because it works on my browser, but I can't get the app to work at all. Un-installed, reinstalled, restarted and updated phone. App seems completely busted for at least two days now.
Melissa Johnson
Usually like using this app to send quickly easy invites to special occasions. There seems to be a bug or something wrong with app right now that needs to be fixed! Nothing will load in the app and it won't sign in to acct. Have deleted and added back the app, have cleared cache and have double checked internet on my end. Seems to be the evite app only and needs to be fixed. I cannot access a current invitation and can only get onto manage it via web browser.
Jennifer Mead
Once upon a time this was a great app. My issues started when the update changed the way you entered the event details. Some of it was repetitive and tedious. The idea of making the invitation more customizable sounds like a great idea but it also made it easier to mess up and accidentally change features in the invitation. Now, I can no longer get into the app. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I can no longer login,but only on the app. I alsono longer have access to a shareable link.
Jonathan Ivey
This app is garbage. The service is good but the app makes doing anything a huge chore. It's super glitch. If you press back it erases everything you've done. Everything takes forever to load. The log in is now broken so I can't even access my events and some times people don't even recieve the invites. Plus guests can't rsvp for events without going through the sign up process which is also inundated by glitchiness and slow loading forms. If there was a competitor I'd use them.
Brandi Groen
I used to love this app, but with all the changes they have made I am now hating it. I can no longer update my guests status from the app, I have to go to the computer, which is very inconvenient when a friend mentions they are coming during a conversation and I want to update the list. I can no longer copy my invitation to send out a new one so I have to remember to include people I don't currently have in my contacts and make sure I am only inviting the people in our area.
Gina Madrid
Honestly, I hate the updates they made. This app used to be free. The graphic , the colors , the designs and the categories are amazing . I don't like how we know have to pay just to send evites. Just to send a small amount of invites the pricing start at $15.99. Very disappointing !! Not user-friendly anymore. If I could this 0 Stars , I would.
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