Reviews of eOption: Trading & Investing

List of user reviews and ratings for eOption: Trading & Investing

Total ratings

3.07 (Rating count: 83)

Review summary

  • Easy to use and affordable
  • Quick entry and exit for options trading
  • Great UI for mobile
  • Ability to trade on the go
  • Frequent crashes and bugs
  • Blank screen after login
  • Connectivity issues, often stuck in connecting state
  • Limited functionality (e.g., no transfers/deposits, no fingerprint login)
  • Account value not updated live, only once per day
Most mentioned
  • App crashes frequently
  • Blank screen after login
  • Connectivity issues with the server
  • Difficulty in making trades
  • Requires major improvements
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for eOption: Trading & Investing on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 3.07
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Rating filters

5 star
24% (5)
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14% (3)
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52% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
Martin Lomas
Just what it looking for ..
Lamont The Capricorn
Ok, I cleared the data and cache and it seems to be working now. Ios is better though.
Jim Stuart
I have been using this app for years and it's been great, I can place a trade on the phone when I'm out on the go. It's nice to know I have options 😁.
Hi Guy
Stop working for about a month. Doesn't want to connect to the server. Basically making meat he lose money.
ab48 48
when you open the app and login immediately goes to a blank screen. Unable to use at all.
Very easy to use and affordable! Great value!
joe stover
Updated the app. Crashed. Cleared cache and data. Crashed. Uninstalled, rebooted, installed - still crashes immediately after the login page. I guess im stuck with my browser or pc version for now
Jeff Sisk
This app needs a lot of work. Very difficult to make trades, very unintuitive. Whoever wrote this was very amateurish.
Aj Aj
App keeps crashing, and if you switch apps it will freeze and not show live p and l until you reset the qpp
Sudersan Raghul Makesh
App is always in the connecting state, even though internet work very well for me.
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