Contractor Estimator

Construction Estimating Mobile App designed to estimate construction projects.
See reviews for Contractor Estimator on Google Play Store

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Recent rating average: 1.33
All time rating average: undefined

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67% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
TJ money
Please cancel my subscription. I can not find any where to email customer service or to send fees back. I tried app for 30 min. It seems OK but it's not what I need right now. Please do not try to charge my card in 7 days. I will check back and leave Rev everyday thank you
MHC Izvorul Bailor
Este o aplicatie care nu iti mai da voie sa inchizi contul si continua luna de luna sa imi debiteze contul cu 11 euro ( 54,99 lei ) , fara sa o folosesc si fara sa o mai am in telefon . Am incercat de nenumarate ori sa sterg contul , dar nu ma lasa si nu imi accepta solicitarile . Este o firma fantoma ! FERITI.VA DE ACEASTA APLICATIE . Recomand ferm si justificat NEINSTALAREA acesteia . Voi face plangere la ANPC si la Politie pt aceste aspecte .
Chris Sageser
I've been trying to cancel subscription and they keep billing me