Reviews of Cache Manager(Storage Cleaner)

List of user reviews and ratings for Cache Manager(Storage Cleaner)

Total ratings

3.29 (Rating count: 181)

Review summary

  • Clears app caches effectively for most applications
  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Brings users directly to the list of apps needing cache clearance
  • Does not clear cache for certain popular apps like Google, Chrome, Brave, Facebook, and Gboard
  • Has bugs, such as crashing issues
  • Limited functionality with only certain apps available for cache clearing
Most mentioned
  • Issues with cache not being cleared for specific apps
  • User satisfaction with the ability to clear caches
  • Crashes and performance problems
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Cache Manager(Storage Cleaner) on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.29
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Rating filters

5 star
46% (6)
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8% (1)
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15% (2)
1 star
31% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Larry King
Fake. Doesn't work.
Paul Belli
At long last I finally found an app that actually clears app caches and makes it super simple / easy. I've used many cleaners only to go into Settings to see that they had not cleaned / cleared the caches. But for some reason it won't clear the Google cache. Since that's the only one that I'll need to clear manually, I'm a happy camper. :) Kudos! Update: I'm only looking to clear the largest apps and it also won't clear cache for Chrome and Brave. I'm still very satisfied with this cleaner.
Pramila K Misra
It will only allow me to clear cache from certain apps. so I still have to go into my phone and delete each individual cashe from each app. So I don't see any point in having this app.
George C
I like this app because it brings you to the list of apps that need the cashe cleared so you don't have to find them one by one. I like the fact that I could choose one at a time. It would take you a long time to try and find the app yourself, then open it than clean the cache. I tried another app before this one and it was asking to access my files, hell no.
Md Gulshahid
not only hai is going well
Andre Bakker
Misses several apps with cache data.
Avani Pal
Bakwaas 🥴
Raymond vaz
Aswini Kumar Behera
It doesn't show cache of few apps like Facebook, gboard etc on my moto g72. Optimise it so that it can show apps' cache properly
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