The app enables configuration and control of the enviolo AUTOMATiQ hub interface

Total ratings

1.91 (Rating count: 100)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Interesting company
  • Previously had reasonable functionality
  • App crashes during pairing
  • Poor Bluetooth connection management
  • Major downgrade from previous versions, losing several features
  • Terrible user interface, including small text and poor visibility in sunlight
  • Requires manual connection every time the app is used
Most mentioned
  • Connection issues with the hub
  • Dissatisfaction with the app's user interface
  • Loss of functionality compared to the old app
  • Frequent crashes and disconnections
  • Need for manual operations that should be automatic
See reviews for ENVIOLO AUTOMATiQ APP on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 1.91
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Date Author Rating Comment
Rod and Linda Kodman
The app worked a few months ago but now I can't pair with my bike. Very frustrating. Starts to pair then the app crashes and the blue light goes out. Nothing in the app for support. Just stuck with current settings after all that money paid.
Kaveh Kamooneh
Had to take it off and install a manual shifter. Sometimes it feels like connecting and sometimes it doesn't. What wrong with just manually shifting and having full control? It's not that hard on the thumb, is it?
Does not work. All I get is a login page that says this is not for the bike owner or retailer.
Claudia Bassler
This app used to have reasonable albeit clunky function. Now I have to forget the hub and repair it in order for it to work. Every. Single. Ride. Essentially whenever we go biking my husband knows he will have plenty of time to stretch as I set this thing up. The Bluetooth handling is just atrocious. Pixel 7 pro btw...
Scott Muller
Terrible UI, does not automatically connect to hub, must choose hub from a list and connect every time you start the app. Only two real features, target cadence and hub calibration. Apparently the previous version had many more features like a dashboard with useful information. Why would you ever want to make an app less useful with an update?!
Eric Piepers
Nothing automatic. Every time I turn on my Bosch screen, I need to start this App., choose the hub and click Connect. And then click on "Manual". Very sad (that this can not be done automatically by the App.) Secondly, when turning ON the SEK 1.200,-- BT Enviolo remote should of course do this all automatically when I press its ON button for 3 seconds...
Robert Janis
very interesting company
Khaled Alhamwi
App keep disconnecting and does t help at all. Please fix it !!!!
Stefaan Van Damme
Crashes on pairing
Dale Weidemann
Keep your old app! This is a major downgrade. Devalues their product, IMHO. Read the reviews . Very disappointing.
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