EnglishCentral - Learn English

Learn English with 1-on-1 Private Live Lessons and 20,000+ Video Lessons

Total ratings

4.72 (Rating count: 43,844)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Comprehensive learning tools including online courses and self-guided learning.
  • The app allows for practice with specific segments and offers immediate vocabulary definitions.
  • Short videos make learning less stressful and easier to engage with daily.
  • No annoying advertisements, and the interface is easy to use.
  • Customer service is highly praised.
  • Microphone and speech recognition issues that hinder effective practice.
  • Difficulties with logging in across different devices and time zone confusion.
  • Limited teacher options with a focus on non-native English speakers or tutors with strong accents.
  • Some features available on the website are missing in the app, limiting user experience.
  • Inconsistent performance with speech recognition leading to frustrating results.
Most mentioned
  • Problems with microphone and speech recognition accuracy.
  • Availability of comprehensive learning materials and features.
  • Limited teacher qualifications and accents.
  • Great customer service.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 4.72
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Date Author Rating Comment
muzlu kefir
Videos and other content in the app do not open
Mario Diaz
Excellent option to practice English.
Rene Jonas
I applaud for your costumer service no doubt, but for the knowledge of all the costumers and users of this app, I would like to inform all of you that this business platform were not treating your tutors right. Tutors are only given wages according to their bookings, it means that tutors need to overtime in order to have enough income for a month, which means less sleep, less eating, and less time to rest. This platform, only imposes penalties to tutors but there are no benefits, or salary incr
Benjamin Manzvandike
Really great and recommendable platform for learning
Kourosh Nejad
This app has a comprehensive functions. From online courses to self guided learning. I've been looking for this type of English app and I found everything I needed just in it. You can simply watch some parts of a movie with a subtitle and each word or phrase in the subtitle is explainable so that you can learn while watching and importantly it's got a quiz test for you after watching to make u sure you've learn new words or phrases! My only suggestion is improving its MiMi chat to give feedback!
Yusuf Karabay
This app is terrible. Microphone does not work and you cannot practice your sentences with your voice. I don't receive notifications when the phone screen is off
Leong Yi Lam
I have paid and used it for a week. I logged out and then logged in again. I did not remember to pay. I can only use the payment mobile phone to take classes. After accidentally logging out from the tablet, I can no longer log in to take classes on the computer and tablet. The time zone is confused and I have reserved classes. It started.
The speaking part is rubbish. Almost every sentence I was asked to speak in a quieter place when there was no background noise and I was sure I spoke loud enough. Also it tells me very often that I mispronounced some words or I missed some of them but I'm sure I said them loud and clear. I have to use this for homework and it wasted a lot of my time having to speak the same things over and over until it finally got what I said after multiple attempts.
Angeline hapay
Nice app, I enjoyed it.No ads,easy to use,and exciting when i meet my teacher I still work hard to understand the lesson and improve it.But there is an upgrade, you have to pay for someone to teach you again, I just finished my two trials.
Suha Salah
all teachers are from Philippines or Asian in general and thier pronunciation is not good. it's hard to find a teacher for practice to ielts test and if you found one ,she is not professional. please i love this app, can you improve it by choosing teachers who speaks English language as natives or at least are professional in ielts and hasn't asian accent! I don't recommend it for primer subscription
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