Learn English Vocabulary

Learn English words! Practice, improve and expand your vocabulary effectively!

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4.61 (Rating count: 17,161)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and simple design
  • Variety of vocabulary and exercises
  • Effective use of flashcards and pictures
  • Helps improve pronunciation with phonetic symbols
  • Free to use
  • Issues with microphone recognition during speaking exercises
  • Some vocabulary words lack available pronunciation
  • Incorrect answer submissions in quizzes
  • Notifications for reminders do not work
  • Need for better contextual images in lessons
Most mentioned
  • Microphone issues
  • Good for vocabulary building
  • Variety of exercises and flashcards
  • User-friendly interface
  • Need for improvements in some features
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Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.61
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Date Author Rating Comment
Ulung Dangau
Formerly I wonder how to enhance my vocabulary, I have tried and installed many apk, but those are for paid. But right now, I have found This, and in my point of view it is an excellent apk, it can boost your vocabulary with many games in some skill that it is needed if you want to develop your english, and one point I prefer it because it's free.
Elaisa Mercado
This is really the most useful app for English learners. I just hope that they will put the pinyin when the language input is Chinese or in Japanese, I hope they can put the romaji too. It would be very helpful for me and other people who's learning multiple languages at the same time. All in all, this app is superb!
Ibtihal noor
It's a very good app for learning vocabulary. However, the speaking/pronunciation test is so annoying. It just won't get the words right. For a simple word like "icy" it kept getting it as "I see" or like "cola" it shows "kola" even simple words like tea. My pronunciation isn't the problem bcz google audio search gets it right when I say it. Please please please kindly solve the problem. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Hussein Watla
A great app that helped a lot to build my vocabulary but there's one thing. I recently noticed that when you do the test 2 of "Meat, poultry and seafood" lesson it gives me wrong answer even if i choose the right answer. I hope you fix this one and that i don't face the same thing in next lessons.
Putra Nurhidayat
This app so good for learn basic vocabulary and I like it, but there is a lack on speaking test because the mic always miss what I want to talk about, i just hope the developers can change the speaking test mic for not use google voice.
Rasit Okan
It is very good app. Still, there are some areas for improvement. But my main concern is that I need to complete all tests, writing, speaking to make it completed. Actually, if I feel to be master of one topic, it should be able to be selected as completed. So, I can see some progress and can continue for enjoyment.
Ikiam P.
It is a very good application but one of the features that I like the most does not work, and it is simply the notifications that should be displayed to learn English constantly in my phone, they never arrive.
Jue Jue
This app is so good.This app is simple and easy to use. There's a lot of vocabulary. This app is collection content everday.We can also take exercise to check out our listening, writing, speaking and testing. You will inprove use to this app. The weakness is used speaking need to Google voice speed and error. Don't hesitate to download this app. Try right now.I think very good this app. This app is easy to learn for people.
The Calculus Tutor
It's a good app for those who wanna learn vocabulary, only that. The mic doesn't work properly. You spell "egg" and it hears "leg" for example, and the more you try to spell it right the more doesn't work. It has another error in some lessons, like when you know the answer and you submit it, but the app won't accept it even tho you know it's the right one.
Channy Kim
This app is so good, simple and easy to use! There's a lot of vocabularies. It also helps us how to pronounce with phonetic symbols , and sound expressions. Plus, there're flashcards that explains us the shapes of things. Plus, we can also take exercises to check out our listening, speaking, and memorizing skills.So,we can follow the right steps to improve our additional skills in English. Don't hesitate to download this app. Try this app right now.
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