Manage your HRA, FSA, and HSA accounts on the go.

Total ratings

3.32 (Rating count: 84)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Relatively easy to submit claims.
  • Helps in tracking financial medical expenses.
  • Provides daily changes to account balance.
  • App frequently logs users out or fails to allow login.
  • Difficulties in uploading multiple pictures for claims.
  • Claims often get denied despite proper documentation.
  • Poorly designed interface that makes information hard to find.
  • Lack of communication regarding denied claims.
Most mentioned
  • Issues with logging in and server communication.
  • Problems with submitting multiple pictures.
  • Frustrating claims process with many denials.
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Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 3.32
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Date Author Rating Comment
Gerry Larsen
Very poor, try to submit a photo and it logs me out when I hit the check box.
Darrell Charles
This has been a negative experience it feels more like a funds trap. Was supposed to be easier for copay and reimbursement. Instead they deny any claims and require multiple forms of submissions. Do not pay into this program its a funds trap not helpful or made it easier to get medical supplies. Can not use for copay or fuel for transportation can not use like debut card. Even with proper documentation they review it for 90 days then deny reimbursement.
Sharat Agarwal
This is a very bad and poorly designed app. While it shows daily changes to account balance, yet there is no way to see deposits or withdrawals.
Difficult to understand and claims get denied even though supporting documents are also submitted. Often takes several messages to get a clear response. The app is frustrating because it is difficult to find information and explanations as to how to fix an issue.
Doug Noyes
Never want to pay on things that are obviously medical and make it difficult to resolve. Can't even find a way to pay it on website to make it go away.
It will not let me sign in. It says there is a problem communicating with the server!! Have had this for a month now and no luck to get signed in. I have Uninstalled and reinstalled it too.
I can not get logged into the app. It keeps bringing me back to the login page. It's very frustrating. This is a recent development. Never had this issue up until the last 2 months.
Susan Hoffman
I can never login with this app, but can online. EVERY single time it says "something went wrong"
Terrah Hatch
Worked great up until they added new authentication protocol. I have Uninstaller and reinstalled and it just says system unavailable.
Brian Jorgenson
Not for the service, but for the app. No information is provided about why a claim is denied. No Information is at all available on the wesite, other than your balance and one line info about claims.
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