Quy hoạch Đắk Nông

Provide information on construction planning of Dak Nong

Quy hoạch Đắk Nông App

Quy hoạch Đắk Nông is your go-to Android app for accessing essential information about construction and adjustment planning in Dak Nong province. Designed for user convenience, this app utilizes GPS technology to pinpoint your current location, enabling you to find relevant planning information effortlessly.

With features such as specifying addresses or coordinates, browsing through various administrative units, and selecting any location on the map, users are equipped with comprehensive tools for better understanding Dak Nong's construction landscape. Stay informed and engaged with the planning activities that shape your community.

By: eKMap
Downloads: 11,434
Version: 1.0.0 (Last updated: 2021-03-27)
Full description: See detailed description
Updated: a day ago


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