Reviews of My Stuff Organizer

List of user reviews and ratings for My Stuff Organizer

Total ratings

3.53 (Rating count: 413)

Review summary

  • The app is easy to use and has a simple interface.
  • Helps keep track of items to avoid duplicate purchases.
  • The subscription is reasonably priced.
  • Allows for creating subcategories and descriptions for items.
  • The app frequently crashes and can be slow.
  • Only allows for a limited number of items without a subscription.
  • Lacks cloud backup for free users.
  • Does not store multiple images or support PDF attachments.
  • Advertises without warning about potential subscriptions.
Most mentioned
  • Issues with app crashing and responsiveness.
  • Limited free features and sudden subscription prompts.
  • Frustration with data backup and restoration problems.
  • Desire for improvements in image storage and more categorization options.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 3.53
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29% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Shaikh Kareem
Only category can access items you people lend/ borrow will not be able to which is disappointing. Cannot store multiple images and attach pdf files...expecting more improvements and to enable features mentioned in the next update. For the time being im assigning master bedroom, car porch, kitchen etc as CATEGORY while electronics, electrical, furniture, accessories etc as PLACE. In this way I'll be able to access items in my CATEGORY. TQ
Iulian Baciu
Shady. It only prompts for a review here once you select 5 stars in the app. If you select 1 star it doesn't ask you to rate it in Play Store.
nicu isa
Hi, I like the app, but when I create an export, the picture is too small on page. It's just one item on page, even if you choose listing view or detailed view. And another thing is aloud just one picture per item. Can you improve that?
B Funs
Its good... Helpfull... But maybe next can be added more details column when registering measurement... Or code of stuff... Weight... Brand.. Etc.. Update : Pls fix the bug error when open the apps. So slow.. N then not responding... Its different when we entry some details on the apps.. No error.. But when we want to search.. Or open the catagory... Its always error... Pls fix it immediatly..
Tony Dawkins
It doesn't automatically sync with other devices. You have to continuously back up your things and may lose what you stored. I gave up on it. The app isn't user friendly. Still searching for that handy organizing app.
Seidi Percival
Wouldn't let me view anything by category. It also allows for only 30 items for free and will load an add each time you try to view something different. It might be a world of difference as a paid app but I'm not sticking around to find out.
Bradley B
A very basic organizing app. If you pay the subscription, then you get a little bit more but not much. You're still left with the painstaking process of inputting each item one by one with all details. Also, it doesn't have sub-folders to allow for better organization. I guess I got what I paid for as this is a cheaper subscription. I'll be looking for something else, preferably with a free trial period to test the paid features before paying.
Good app and have been using it for a while. It meets mostly on my requirement but sometimes it freeze momentarily, not sure if my phone is the issue. For next software update, it would be good if the app can store multiple photos and have more catagories icon. Thanks
Mai Daniel
Just installed and IMMEDIATELY uninstalled. Reasons. Doesn't automatically organize via type ie. Plants, pots, Books or movies. And too many ads. An ad pops up when you exit. Before you can exit you must see an ad.... seriously?
fjfhv fxgdgf
This app had potential. It lets you make location subcategories.It also lets you make descriptions for the locations that you make. The problem with this app is it doesn't do as it says it does. I entered 5 sets of Little House on the Prarie. The only thing I did differently with each was put the number of that season in parenthesis. 1-8 in descending order showed 1,5,3,6,2,4,7 and 8. Then when I tried ascending order it showed 6,5,7,2,3,8,4 and 1. A to Z is a simple concept this app doesnt get.
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