Private Browser - Web Browser

Private Browser & Secure Browser, Privacy Browse, Fast Safe Browser.

Total ratings

4.19 (Rating count: 4,616)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good and quick in search results
  • Easy to use
  • Has a mode for erasing browsing history
  • App is not private and may track user information
  • Many intrusive ads
  • Slow performance, especially on mobile data
  • Frequent crashes with multiple tabs open
  • Poor user interface (UI) and experience
Most mentioned
  • Concerns about privacy and tracking
  • Slow performance issues
  • Problems with ads and UI instability
See reviews for Private Browser - Web Browser on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 4.19
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Date Author Rating Comment
Evil Ted
Now that the internet is mostly advertising, why would anyone want additional advertisements from the app itself ? Its hardly private, harvesting your information, only to handball is back to the advertisers. Id love for someone to make the internet good again.
Derrick Mufwampa
Its good, quick in search results and easy ti use. Great one app.
George Abader
Great!! Fast!!,** if u keep it up!!!*** & good mode of erasing browsing history!! ** provided u keep it fast & ZIP ZAP! WITHOUT HAVING INTERNET SPEED BOOSTERS FOR IT!!* WELL DONE 👏 KEEP IT UP PLEASE!!
Jessica Salmonson (darkocean)
Needs a few more options. I want to choose my own start page (homepage), would like to edit the list of links on the browsers home page and be able to delete ones I don't use. And, webpages loading would be nice. Please try testing the browser when you're connectedto reg. data and not just wifi as this browser is super slow on it. Update: Is still the same two years later, hard pass.
Mega Minx
Just a knockoff of the old Firefox Focus filled with nonsense ads. It is straight up trash. Worst browser ever. THE REAL FIREFOX FOCUS IS BETTER.
Anne Annabu
Just download this and its working smoothly and it seems nice..the reason im giving only 4 stars now is because im not sure if its private beyond the actual browser app since it uses google as a default. Is everything done thru this private even though it goes thru google or is google still tracking everything? If you can tell me its still private i will give 5 stars
Marie Hedgepeth
Great i have had no trouble with it its very good thanks for such a good browser which i thought that i would never get. Thanks.
Praveen kumar
I like the Firefox focus app. It is simple and privacy focused. Kill this app and start supporting Firefox focus browser.
A Google user
Crash or suddenly saying no internet when used with google competitor site like and startpage. This app is developed by google probably. While using other app can access those site at the same time. Definitely censoring competitor sites of google. Censoring internet is very bad. This developer is mad to put a web brower with the ability to restrict you to open some website which he doesnt like you to access. This is very bad terrible. Uninstall immediately and wish to ban this develo
A Google user
Accidentally installed this while trying to download Firefox Focus. The logo, the screenshots and the UI are clearly trying to pretend to be the Firefox app and misleading people.
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