
The most convenient way of managing your properties.

Total ratings

2.39 (Rating count: 505)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • App is frequently non-functional and unreliable
    • User experience is poor and not user-friendly
    • Numerous bugs and errors, particularly with document uploads and account creation
    • Customer service is ineffective, with no proper responses to issues
    • Lack of essential features such as service charge payment and document sharing
    Most mentioned
    • App rarely works as intended
    • Difficulties with account registration and document uploads
    • Slow performance and poor user experience
    • Inability to receive adequate customer support
    • App is filled with errors and bugs, hindering functionality
    See reviews for RealConnect on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.10
    All time rating average: 2.39
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    Rating filters

    5 star
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    8% (2)
    1 star
    92% (22)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    The worst app Not working most of the time and it seems fresh graduate student project! Day by day i believe its a fresh graduated project
    Saif Almobideen
    Not user friendly at all.
    S -
    slow and poor on options
    Neeraj Gupta
    Doesn't work. Can't pay service charges, can't update details.
    Andres Bobbio
    Terrible to use. Cannot upload pics, cannot book amenities. To pay the services it gets frozen.
    Amr Khairy
    Terrible app and terrible service. Can't create an account as it's already active but the password was never communicated to me. Can't reset as OTP isn't working. Numerous calls and emails and no response. Really frustrating
    Sanjay Sachdev
    Pathetic ..hardly works...has never worked well. Its your lucky day if you can pay your service charges on this app😛
    Saugato Dey
    Horrible apply through this and they basically send you a mail to repeat the process on email
    Taoufik Ghanmi
    It was the worst experience ever . I tried to register a hundred times loading all details and documents, and when trying to submit it doesn't go through. I contacted dubai property management and emails and all the needed documents but still the issue. Rating is zero.
    Feroz Khan
    No clarity of detail, there is no service charge payment method.
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