Recover Deleted Files

Now, You can recover your deleted files and photos easily

Recover Deleted Files - Easy Data Recovery App

"Recover Deleted Files" is a user-friendly Android application that allows you to quickly and efficiently recover deleted files and photos from your device and SD memory card. With a simple click on the 'Scan Now' button, you can restore lost data, repair corrupted files, and retrieve important information effortlessly.
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App stats

Downloads: 1,134,978
Version: 2.2.1 (Last updated: 2019-05-12)
Creation date: 2015-11-06
Full description: See detailed description


Other platforms

Not available on Chrome
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Successfully recovers deleted photos
  • Easy to use for backing up deleted files
  • Helped recover precious memories
  • Does not recover documents
  • Poor quality of restored files (blurry or pixelated)
  • Crashes frequently and does not display files correctly
Most mentioned
  • Quality of restored files is low
  • App crashes during use
  • Limited effectiveness in recovering non-image files
User reviews
This app is good for restoring your deleted files but one thing that i don't like is that the photos that i restore that are not clear that are blur and their height is not their original height so, kindly fix thia bug this is so annoying for me otherwise overall is perfect.
by Fiza Fiza, 2023-08-20

Worstt app by heart didn't work what's should I say more it didn't saved to my gallery worst
by Gungun Rucha, 2023-06-28
View all user reviews

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