Under Survival : SIMULATION

Run a shelter and explore to survive after nuclear war!

Total ratings

4.26 (Rating count: 2,583)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good concept and unique art style
  • Engaging gameplay with resource collection and survival mechanics
  • Game offers entertaining elements and can be fun with specific aspects like character and base management
  • Frequent server connection issues and errors preventing login
  • Frustrating in-game mechanics, such as needing premium currency to unequip items
  • Boring gameplay with simplistic mechanics and a messy user interface
  • Loss of game progress after updates
  • Excessive ads impacting user experience
Most mentioned
  • Inability to connect to the game's server
  • Loss of saved progress after update
  • Need for premium currency to unequip items
  • Boring gameplay after initial interest
  • Frustrating equipment and character management
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.26
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Date Author Rating Comment
Kirply Gaming
Within moments I realized they republished under-world, my save file is now gone due to it being a new game, it sucks because I loved the old one and invested a good bit of hours into it all for my save to be deleted. I'll continue to play but it sucks starting over and wished I could've signed in and play my save again
bob saget
Game is very well done and lots of fun but some things need changing. Needing premium currency to simply unequip stuff and old equipment getting destroyed by replacing it. I can't understand the realism
Andrew Richardson
It's a good game but it would be better if you the Rp on your characters came back on its own rather than pay a ton of coins to refill it after every single expedition.
It is a very good concept. One flaw, in my opinion, is not fully understanding how to equip items and other operations. Tutorial was not very in-depth.
Morgan O'Brien-Bledsoe
A bunch of my characters want me to level up their skills but there is no way to level up the skills. You just level up the person and their skills stay exactly the same. And why do I have to pay to take clothing off? When I take my clothes off they don't instantly disappear. So why do I have to pay for that? Oh that's right you want money.
Bill Hilly
I love that the ad is placed in the revival period of a fallen person. This blends seamlessly into the experience of people who play MMORPGs and have a recovery period after they fall. It's ingenious right on guys!
Alain Grenier
Again a game asking for permission, and if you want to refuse all, you need to scroll and remove permissions set by default during 10 minutes.
Kirk Ragland
This game came before fallout shelter but it's a simulator concept to exploring the wasteland, but I like this game better.
Anyone saying this is the "best game they ever played" is either a bot or has never downloaded anything else in their life which, I guess, would be true in a way. The game is a barebones archero shooter with "idle" elements that make no major difference to progression. Ads here, ads there. If i didnt have an adblocker I wouldn't have stayed sane playing this. If you want some colony manager game go play fallout shelter instead. At least it's a game.
Leather Skies
I really like it but I get a system error every time I click something and have to click a few more times to get it to work, and it freezes every once in a while. other than that, it's great 👍
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