Reviews of Little Hero: Monster War

List of user reviews and ratings for Little Hero: Monster War

Total ratings

2.87 (Rating count: 33,652)

Review summary

  • Fun and exhilarating gameplay
  • Decent graphics and interface
  • Potential for a good game if issues are resolved
  • Excessive ads interrupt gameplay
  • Forcing ads on players reduces overall enjoyment
  • Game glitches causing loss of progress
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • Forced ads interrupting gameplay
  • Game becomes unplayable due to ad issues
  • Glitches affecting game progress
  • Lack of offline play options
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Little Hero: Monster War on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.20
All time rating average: 2.87
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Rating filters

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61% (22)
Date Author Rating Comment
david demine
Borderline unplayable way too many ads to the the point of absurdity,a good way to fix this is to make the ads optional such as get a reward for watching a add and only that.
Ryan Wilson
WAAAYYYYY TOO MANY ADS. Seriously. You can't play 60 seconds without an ad. It's absolutely terrible and makes the game unenjoyable. I would not recommend it and would recommend that if you're reading this, please don't waste your time.
Eben Altier
I would give it 4 stars except the adds keep reseting chapter 13 I have played 15 times can't get to the end because of adds. I'm going to erase the game. There is no point in playing groundhog day.
michel span
No use in playing. No online features at all but you can't play offline because then you can't see ads. It's a good game without ads, therefore it's never been a good game, since you can't play without a banner ad at the bottom.
Timothy McIntosh
This has to be the game with the most ADs I've ever played in my first 2 minutes I had 12 ADs... And every single AD had two in it so technically 24 ADs I don't know how the actual game is because I couldn't actually play it, Not to mention that there is a little ad that plays basically in a loop with sound constantly. If you want to sit through more ads then actual game download this.
Bharath Kumar VADDEMPUDI
"The game is constantly interrupted by ads. Why do you include so many ads? If you must have ads, it would be much better to convert them into simple, use ads for other apps or games."
Cyril Moses
I had fun in the beginning. Forced ads while your playing is a dumb feature for this game. Some people would have been happy paying customers if there wasn't any forced ads while playing. People take their time to play before making the decision to make ingame purchases. Forced ads basically take that away. The decision to pay disappears when they get mad. And forced ads get ppl mad
Dan Hunt
If you enjoy being bombarded with 2 30-45 ads every 15 seconds then this is the game for you otherwise i would advise to pass on this game.
Christina Rigby
Ads. There is definitely a more efficient way to advertise without giving me an ad every 2 upgrades.
Eric Bale
It's an ad platform, not a game. A fun if tired idea. I counted 24 pop-up ads in the first run, and 15 minutes of game play.
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