Docx Reader

Simple and Tiny Docx Reader App to read Docx files and documents.

Total ratings

3.37 (Rating count: 27,214)

Review summary

  • Fast and clean interface
  • Useful for accessing important documents
  • Can read .docx files when it works
  • Frequently experiences bugs and fails to open documents
  • Annoying pop-up ads during usage
  • Not user-friendly and lacks features like editing
  • Delayed responses in fixing issues
  • Inability to attach documents to emails
Most mentioned
  • Inability to open documents
  • Bugs and error messages
  • Annoyance caused by advertisements
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 3.37
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60% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
Catherine Glenn
Still experiencing bugs. Phone wont open Docx files. Just generates a message advising me that the app is experiencing a bug and I should contact the developer for an update!
Cathy Jo Zimmerman
98% of the time it's GREAT...... But every now and then a document can't open right away unsure why as a bit later it then opens ok.
Anita Silas
This app is an actual work tool. It's fast n clean, adds don't don't pop in while in usage unlike other apps.
Peza Z
Almost useless. Unable to send documents in the app as an attachment with an email from Android smartphone. Useless.
Larry McAllister
Able read docx file. Almost gave it a 1 and deleted it since it wouldn't open files. But gave it one more try going through downloads app and was able read docx document.
My document can't open so I downloaded this app to atleast open /read it buh as usual it said ..u still fixing that issue please fix it soon. I think my document got corrupted..that 1 important document
Edith Chipeta
every time when you open a document the adverts always disrupts when you are reading even during the time when you are reading the downloaded document the advert pops up.its annoying.
Lauren Smith
No longer opens files, and then i get pop up ads after the error message that i can't close so have to force close the app.
A Google user
Sofar i've been unabke to view the documents i've been trying to view. Docx reader is saying thers a fault and were trying to fix it since lastnight.
A Google user
Ever since I installed this Docx Reader it has never permitted me to access documents save in it. Kept promising to fix it but nothing seem to happen
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