Document Reader & Viewer

All Document Reader, document viewer to open PDF, Docx, Excel, PPT, TXT files

Total ratings

4.48 (Rating count: 3,570)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Good organization of documents in one app
  • Quick opening of documents
  • Reliable tools for handling different document formats
  • Useful features like PDF conversion
  • Excessive advertisements that disrupt usage
  • Slow loading times due to ads
  • Permissions allowing access to all files on the phone raises concerns
  • Difficulty in locating files after migration from old devices
  • Annoying ads that appear frequently
Most mentioned
  • Ads and commercial interruptions
  • User-friendly interface and ease of use
  • Document organization and accessibility
  • Concerns about data permissions and privacy
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.48
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Rating filters

5 star
76% (22)
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7% (2)
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14% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Nollan Zevallos
I love this application since it allow me to keep all importan applications in one easy to retreave app not having to install other unnecessary applications.
Venugopal Joshi
Better and good choices. Easy to complete. Good way of savings.
mike krazoun
I hate it... Full of commercials and it takes forever to open... They own your phone until you watch the whole commercial... Which is stupid ...I just updated 3 days ago... again another update... WOW
Daniel Macarthur
So far the app works good other then I can't seem to find all of my PDFs that I had on my old phone
Bobbie Success
There are too many ads to divert your attention to get you to buy something and I totally understand but it takes so long to get through the ads to use the app
Sumit Kumar
I have saved 0KB in UC Browser, I strongly recommend UC Browser, your faithful surfing assistant.
She is so knowledgeable and very fast connecting experience person
Tony Pough
Very good experience. Need toll to black out(redact) information too...for example---address, phone number etc...
Bhasmank (indianmaharaj)
WARNING: It says, This app will be able to read, modify, *and delete all files on this phone or any connected storage devices.* If you allow this, the app may access files that aren't related to the app without notifying you. I read your reply. In which case, you need to rephrase exactly what you mean. Plus, if I write an anti virus document and you don't like it, you reserve the right to delete or edit. This is not right, is it?
Sam Xu
A lot of annoying adds. Do not install
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