DMV Practice Test Pro 2025

Take state-specific DMV permit tests and ace the exam.

Total ratings

3.92 (Rating count: 357)

Review summary

  • Helps users learn traffic signs in advance
  • Offers flexibility in choosing tests and retaking them
  • Provides support for older users preparing for tests after a long gap
  • Excessive ads disrupt the studying experience
  • Many questions contain wrong answers or confusing phrasing
  • App has significant glitches and inconsistencies with scoring
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • Incorrect or poorly worded questions
  • Glitches affecting usability and focus
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 3.92
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Date Author Rating Comment
Mohsan Sarwar
It's very useful.i highly recommend it to everyone. Plzzz, u will be taken. Guidance from here.
Legit Dog Dookie Experience. I'm trying to study but I'm constantly having Ads interrupting the flow of things. You don't mess with the flow dude. So stop it. Knock it off with the Ads. Enough, alright?
While taking the first DMV practice test for the state of Washington, a question is wrong by stating a sign that clearly shows the right lane ending ahead is the left lane ending ahead. The next test has the same question however opposite description in picture, is correct declaring the left lane ending ahead. Again with street sign practice test 1 repeats the same question in the 1st DMV test and this time the answer is correct by showing the same picture with a different answer being correct
Teagan Davis
This is nice, helps me learn the different signs way in advance. Though, there are random areas that confuse me? The apostrophes are replaced with random numbers and symbols and even one of the questions were replaced with symbols, help?
Landon Douglas
Most of the questions on the test for the motorcycle have the wrong answers, like "What are your responsibilities while operating a motorcycle on the road?" 1. The medicine reduces the effect of the alcohol. 2. The combination could multiply the effects of the alcohol. 3. No effect, they are different substances 4. The alcohol will help the medicine cure the cold.
Samantha Stimpert
There aren't too many ads you can redo as much as you need. But someone needs to go back and proof read these questions and answers. Words like "all the others" even if all the other answers are wrong. It might seem like only a small issue but it gets VERY confusing 😕
Kalas Gentry
Ads every few questions and several of the questions show the answers to different questions forcing you to guess as the questions and answers are related. THIS IS AWFUL.
Annie Senetima Lee
Thanks for this Practice Test Program. It helps me as my first test since I was 25 years old, now I am 76+ years old. It's lots of rules changes and was a long time. I never had any test till 2024, and it's my first ticket ever for my suspended DL. I was never remember to renew my DL. As I never OWNED any vehicle. Hope will pass my second test the next Saturday 9/7/2024. Thanks again for this Program to help me learning more a lot. Wish me luck!
Monica Groth
It's been good, but the ads make it almost impossible to use without getting an ad that boots you to the app store for a different dmv practice test app.
Timmy Ramsey
The amount of ads is ridiculous including when I take practice test and you can only take one test before watching ads honestly find another app or get a book
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