Song Creator: Create Music

Compose music, craft original songs, many instruments, rhythms & DAW features.

Total ratings

3.72 (Rating count: 261)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use for creating music
  • Good for learning the structure of songs
  • Useful AI features for generating ideas
  • Ability to export as MIDI
  • Intuitive approach to music creation
  • Issues with saving work and reliability
  • Limited customization and personalization options
  • Need for more diverse sounds and genres
  • Problems with internet connection settings
  • Higher octave range limitations
Most mentioned
  • Need for additional sounds and samples
  • Saving and exporting issues
  • User interface and instrument variety concerns
  • Desire for more genres and musical styles
  • AI features and ease of use
See reviews for Song Creator: Create Music on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.80
All time rating average: 3.72
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Date Author Rating Comment
Seirel Kyle Alcantara
Update apps song creator import midi files
good for learning the structure of songs
Japheth Sume
Since I started my music it's good and I like to great more but, one thing is that when I great my music and while saving some parts of the music was getting how can I do with that?
Made an absolutely amazing song. Tried to save it, and it failed. About 5 times I had to watch an ad just for the feature to work. It's not fair that you get money for me to be able to save my work, but then I can't actually save my work!! Please fix this. The app is very good otherwise please fix this make sure it never happens again
Turbles Celbor
Eh it's fine. If you really are interested in making music get a free DAW like LMMS
homosexual biological male
the app dont have personalisation and customisation in masive ways and alternative ways , i need individuality
great app dev but no Afrobeat samples and I can't import. This app needs alot of African drums. This app have a long way to go. No percs,rims,bongos, log drums,gbedu all this need to be added
AF Studios
I'd like to see more genres like classical, and orchestral added
Anil kumar
All songs are pre loaded songs. In each genre of music ,there are same music repeating there are no unique songs. All songs have same tone I need my money refund
Macabresca Fresca
I just started to play with it, but for now it seems to be what I've been looking for. You can make song with this easily and an ai option is a cherry on a top
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