Reviews of The Police Credit Union of CA

List of user reviews and ratings for The Police Credit Union of CA

Total ratings

4.56 (Rating count: 267)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.56
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Date Author Rating Comment
Winifred Harrison petersen
First off the new setup is kind of confusing but once you get used to it s quite easy
3M peror
Must more user friendly and faster.
Joe Reilly
First time mobile deposit. Very easy to navigate. Worked great, no problems!
E Hernandez
The app is user friendly and I can do my mobile banking with no issues
Mar Ramirez
This app has always sucked. It became worse after the credit union switched their name from SFPCU to The Police CU. The only reason I've continued to bank with them is because of the age of my account, and it's a hassle to switch over to a new bank. Also, their loan program is not great.
Carolyn Cruz-Jaramillo
Took 3 times to finally get a good photo.
Erik Brown
When making check deposits, the system will occasionally flag checks as fraudulent and not allow them to be deposited when they are actually fine. It will also make you double check an endorsement.
Amy Fong
Fails many times. Have spoken with the technical support team, and it is still unreliable. It does offer a preview to account but not as useful as logging.
Mauiis “LocoMoco” Salas
My debit card was use to purchase food and on Uber by a friend without asking. Well it was ok at first but it kept using it without my permission. If I report my debit card missing I have to go back to all my electronics payments and start all over again. So it would be nice future if they had the off and on button on the debit card option 🙄 just like other banks!!!
Btower FOS
I been having a Police credit Union for almost 10 years and I have to say it the financial Bank no higher interest and always willing to provide the best service possible.
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