Forensic Master

Detective mystery crime free game, solve puzzles pass levels catch the murderer

Total ratings

3.85 (Rating count: 46,803)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun concept of forensic investigation
  • Easy and simple mechanics for casual play
  • Graphical interface is appealing
  • Excessive amount of ads after every level
  • Gameplay is extremely short and repetitive
  • Issues with purchasing no ads option
  • Game crashes and doesn't load correctly for some users
  • Levels are too simplistic and lack challenge
Most mentioned
  • Ads after every level make the game unplayable
  • Repetitiveness of gameplay across levels
  • Purchasing the no ads option doesn't remove ads as expected
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.30
All time rating average: 3.85
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76% (16)
Date Author Rating Comment
Bree McLachlan
Oh my GOD, I've played plenty of games with ads, but nothing like this. When the reviews say every level, they mean about every 3 swipes on the screen, then another ad. A couple taps. Then another ad. And so on. This game was absolutely made only as a cash grab. Do NOT download this game. I'm uninstalling after about a minute of playing. Disappointed.
Finneus McClain
There are so many ads - even after I paid to remove ads. That doesn't remove ads that you have to watch to play certain levels or ads you have to watch to unlock your treasure chest or ads that you have to watch for whatever other reason that they're making you watch an ad. There's like 3 seconds between levels and then after 10 levels it's just the same mechanics repeating over and over and over and over and over again. Wish I could get my money back.
Brad Tobin
So many ads. There's an advertisement after each part of the 'game' considering each game section takes a few seconds to complete they don't really expect to keep people playing. I didn't make it through one whole section before I just closed out. I'd watched 4 ads and all I did was move a body, look for clues and apply makeup. Don't bother with this. There are other games that are less greedy.
Benjamin Plummer
Seriously? I have no idea as to the quality of this "game", as it is pretty much back to back, multi-component ads, in excess of 30 secs apiece, with less then 3 seconds of "gameplay" between them. It's so incredibly offensive to me that you think this type of business practice is acceptable. If I could give less then 1 star, I would. I only wish I could block games by developer on the play store, to avoid such utter trash in the future.
The only reason I give this 2 stars is because the fame is fun. UT there are waaayyy too many ads. It's ad after... every. single. play. & to open up the prize you won for completing a level you have to watch an ad. It gets annoying real quick. But this game does have potential if there wasn't so many ads. I am uninstalling and will try it out again after 6 months or so.
Nathan LaClair
It could and would be a fun game to play but there is an ad after every little level, you can't open gifts without watching an ad, it's stupid. There is no reason for an ad after every little level or an ad to open gifts, it's makes the game slow and boring when you are watching more ads compared to actually playing the game. Uninstalled due to all the ads shown vs. time spent playing the game.
Elven Castleton (ReallyTiredCashier)
The game has potential. However. It does have several downfalls. The Ads. Literally an ad after ever single level. Literally. The game play. It's a repetitive game. Do this, now press here, now move these, now look for this exact thing that is right there, now hold this, now do the first thing again, now replay this level again, now find this thing again, now touch here again. Overall the game itself could also use some work. Different levels. Different items. Less ads. LESS ADS.
Kathy Hurd
WAAAAAYY too many ads! I mean really one 30 second ad to one 10-15 second game the ratio is way off there! Also the levels are too easy!! Then they start to repeat themselves around level 31-34. It's just not a game that I would recommend yet. Keep trying guys you'll get there because the basic idea is great!!
Jacob Gordon
Each level lasts between 5 and 30 seconds and between each level is an advertisement... Not every 5 levels, not every other level. EVERY. SINGLE. LEVEL... Not to mention it isn't even like it's own ad whatsoever. Also can't play it without internet so if you like tons of the same ads and nearly no game play, this "game" is for you.
Karmen Briere
After every "level", there's a stupid ad. I usually try to feel out games to see if I wanna buy the no ads or just delete the game, but there's so many in such a short amount of time, I don't want to even try to play any more of the game. I get y'all need to monetize your app, but come on. Literally had the app for not even 2 whole minutes before deleting it. Don't get it.
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