Book Cover Maker for Wattpad

Design Book Covers for Print & Digital Books. Custom Book Covers for any Genre!

Total ratings

4.73 (Rating count: 108,083)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and fun for designing book covers.
  • No ads present in the app.
  • Offers a variety of images and fonts for cover creation.
  • Provides inspiration and a creative outlet for users.
  • Many features and templates are locked behind a paywall.
  • Difficult to navigate and not very user-friendly.
  • Images uploaded can appear blurry or low quality.
  • Limited customization options and precision in editing.
Most mentioned
  • Pro features are locked behind a paywall.
  • User interface is complicated and not intuitive.
  • Issues with image quality after uploading.
  • Struggles with text editing and customization.
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Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.73
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Date Author Rating Comment
Dragon Winx Z
Super fun, super easy! I absolutely LOVE this app it's a *chef's kiss* perfect. It has everything I want, was looking for, and need. Honestly speaking, when it comes down to it, and while I still respect them, I have to say that it is way better to use this app than Canva when it comes to making Wattpad book covers. Don't get me wrong, Canva was fine and all, but it didn't really have so much stuff in comparison to Book Covers, which is an upgrade from a somewhat downgrade. I love the app! :)
bat cat
Where do I even begin? This is perfect for someone who doesn't want to face getting a licensing problem. This app also offers resume designs, menu designs and overall it's really great. The only problem is in filters "free" and "pro+" are locked behind filters, I have to dig to find free, but if I was paying for pro, why would I search for free?
Ariel S Nonez
This app is really interesting in my opinion. It's clear and easy to use, bunch of fun covers you can design, re-design to your own liking, and there are no watermarks! This app is my go-to when designing book covers for my wattpad stories (even though I don't actually post them) and I highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to design a book cover or get inspiration to create one!
Dabloon Tiktokpage
Pretty great, some templates and most stock photos locked behind a paywall but that's to be expected on a free app. The problem I have is when your editing you can't really save if you have something clicked and the photos I uploaded turned very blurry for some reason even though while in my camera roll they were perfectly clear. If it weren't for those problems this would be five stars.
Ryan Davidson
Fantastic app. I'm an author who due to unusual circumstances only has a 2019 LG Phoenix 4 to write with just finished a novel which needed a cover. They initially got a one-star review because I was only looking for a month subscription & they offered me a free, 3-day trial - for which I was immediately charged $50 for a full year subscription. Terrible - sure. But! With just a shi**y phone and this badass little app I made a totally balls out cover which I am very happy with. Worth it? Sure
Lex McDaniel
I would've given it two stars if it wasn't limiting my creativity and being excruciating to use in the process. They have thousands of assets, and 85% of it all is behind a paywall. When trying to change the fonts of texts, the list of fonts won't show up at all. The border assets are so thin that if you have a picture behind it, that is all you'll be able to edit because the border is thin as damn hair. Subscription being shoved down my throat, and the limitations. No thanks. Uninstall
Birdy O
Most of the features and Opti ns are locked by the pro feature and unless you are specifically making medium quality book covers for others on the daily it's incredibly expensive. Like ridiculously expensive, not only that but the features (pro and not pro) are incredibly bland and mid tier. It's really not worth the download.
Donna Grainger
Could be a very nice app, but I can't find a way to resize the text to fit in the space I want it, there is no crop feature, at least on the free version. If this is the case, I am deleting. All free users have the potential to become premium users if treated respectfully. I always check an app out as a free user first, so far, I have paid for features only twice. Those apps earned my respect, waiting to see about this one.
Fluffy Unicorn
Not a good app. Finding a free image is so difficult that it almost makes the app useless without paying. It's gerenally really slow when it's loading anything and the search isn't usually accurate for me, even using keywords and general terms. If you want to make your own covers, I would reccomend Pic Collage, it's a lot easier and its free.
Aketzaly Solis
This app is absolutely amazing. You don't have adds. Yes it doesn't really gives you options on type of pictures but, if that doesn't please you then you can get your own pictures and make it as a book cover you just need to take a picture of what you need for your book cover then just add it. Then you can also put a title it's absolutely amazing.
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