The Week magazine

The Week gives you complete insight into the week's most prominent news stories.

Total ratings

3.38 (Rating count: 1,234)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Frequent app crashes and freezing issues
    • Poor customer service and support
    • Issues with content loading and scrolling
    • Problems with subscription management and access
    • Recent updates have downgraded functionality
    • Too many ads, impacting usability
    Most mentioned
    • App frequently crashes and freezes
    • Issues with scrolling through articles
    • Customer service is unhelpful
    • Recent updates have introduced bugs and degraded functionality
    • Problems with offline reading and content loading
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.70
    All time rating average: 3.38
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    74% (17)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    The app works to a point but subscriptions taken via the app are not honoured on the webpage and customer services will not help. The news summaries could use more detail and are very selective in what they bother to include. They only include the biggest deadlines that it's impossible to miss anyway. I won't be renewing.
    James Ruttle
    Generally solid. But please fix this bug... Unable to open the magazines for the last month.
    R R Moos
    Tried/still trying to put my subscription on my new iPad so I can use that instead of my phone. Support has offered no help other than cut and paste 3 second message that tells me to go figure it out. I once had T3, same nonsense. Future publishing, can you please bring your software updated to modern times, not year 2000? 😞
    Janis Ian
    Absolutely the worst app I have ever used on my phone, and I include Cheetah. The settings page is a joke. There is no Android phone friendly magazine edition. The daily edition seems to be curated by someone whose last job was hidden away in the basement of the British museum. I'm going to try the UK app in the hopes that it's a little better but I have my doubts.
    Helen Fulson
    Updated June 24 - unbelievably, this app has got even worse. 90% of the time I can't even open an issue, tapping on it does nothing at all. I love the content but the app is beyond frustrating. Time to stop subscribing. Since the fix a few years ago this has been fine, but now it has started freezing constantly and a random page won't scroll and then the whole thing freezes up. Closing and reopening rarely helps. I end up paying for something I can only read part of.
    Ben Chesser
    I was pretty annoyed with the new reading formar until I figured out that if you keep zooming in then you can get it into the "App" mode. Which is much easier to read. It would be good to tell people they can do that before you get hundreds of 1 star reviews!!
    Ben Lithgow Smith
    AVOID until they've fixed all the bugs!!! Still no fix to any of the bugs introduced by last summer's overhaul and reported by many users here. Downloaded editions aren't downloaded fully and don't work properly without signal. Articles cut off, images don't load, and previous features are gone. I contacted The Week and repeatedly got boilerplate responses. Was finally told the problems would be fixed but when pressed they said they actually didn't have any idea if anyone was fixing the app.
    Al Cowie
    Wow what an atrocious app! Dark mode doesn't make the magazine dark with light text, so is utterly pointless; it is impossible to scroll down some articles, making them un readable; settings are only reachable from the home page, so you lose your place. These are basic UX mistakes!
    Graeme Moss
    Update: The latest version (4th Aug) often does not start. Closing and reopening it sometimes works. The latest version (20th Jun) has some minor issues such as chopping off the bottom of many pages. Sometimes rotating the device can reveal the missing part of the page. Further, it seems to rely on downloading parts of the pages later. It is also harder/slower to navigate to different parts of the magazine. The older version on the app (a few months ago?) was much easier to use.
    I did not like the layout and scrolling since the outset so prefer to read the weekly magazine in paper form. I was mostly using this app for the daily briefing news but even that is now ruined due to ads. There is too many and some you cannot minimise and they cover half of some topics. Customer support was useless recently after they had made changes to the app, kept getting emails clearly fired off by a software system directing me to a site that could not help me resolve the matter.
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