The Week Magazine US

The Week distills the best of the media into a succinct, lively digest.

Total ratings

3.85 (Rating count: 1,533)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Access to quality content from The Week Magazine on mobile devices
  • Multiple perspectives included in news coverage
  • Full screen dark mode improves reading experience
  • Efficient customer support in resolving issues
  • Frequent battery drainage issues while using the app
  • Poor app performance with bugs and crashes
  • Authentication problems not recognizing subscriptions
  • Difficulty in navigation and accessing certain magazine features like printing
Most mentioned
  • Battery drain and app overheating issues
  • Problems with logging in and accessing subscriptions
  • General app bugs and performance issues
  • Lack of PDF option and quality of downloads from the app
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.80
All time rating average: 3.85
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50% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
Tim Mccaulley
So far, I'm impressed. Can't wait to start receiving their prints! I say by just using their phone app.
Azucena Overman
My favorite news source. I love how multiple perspectives are included.
Julia Grubb
The Week is, by far, the best magazine printed. I absolutely love the fact that I can now read it on my phone. This is truly spectacular since I am currently hospitalized and have no access to my printed edition. perfectly on time and greatly appreciated. Thank You.
Thomas Duquette
The app has been updated again and it's worse than ever. There's no PDF option and the quality of the download is terrible with fuzzy print and out of focus photos on many pages. The option to access the fast page navigation bar at the bottom of the screen allowing you to navigate anywhere in the magazine quickly is gone.
Alan Sarikelle
This app is so buggy. None of the settings have any effect. If you do manage to read a page, a nag pop up frequently arises reminding you to "read the whole issue" (which you're already doing when it reminds you).
Rich Stillman
Update: app has been fixed and once again does what it has supposed to. I'm back to subscribing and mostly read the magazine on the phone. I love the full screen dark mode where even the status bar disappears. This is the only news app I know where the screen shows nothing but the article text. Nice job!
Mark Morgan
This is the most battery-hungry app I've ever seen. I have to ration the time that I read it, and God forbid I forget to take the 13 step process to go in to my phone's settings and do a "force close" of this specific app when my kids start screaming for me and then i don't get back to the magazine until that night, bc if I don't, my phone battery is dead in an hour. For reference, typically my phone lasts all day, easily, except for Saturday when I (try) to access this magazine that I pay for.
Troy Cummens
Avoid this app. I really enjoy the news content, but each time I used it, I would close the window after using it. The next day, my battery would drain extremely fast. My phone would then alert me that this app was still open and using up my battery. My phone would then recommend a "force quit." After that, my battery would function normally.
Linda DiGasper
Android phone gets hot; app overloads cpu and need to close app all the time. It's been this way for years and I put up with it since The Week is an awesome periodical.
David Chamberlain
Authentication inoperative. I paid $129 for digital (and print) subscription and digital does not function. "Subscribe to read this article" is infuriating because I DID subscribe so I could read the article. If you're putting up a pay wall, make sure payment gets through the well.
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