Three Kingdoms: Tower Defense

Exciting Three Kingdoms strategy tower defense game.

Total ratings

2.57 (Rating count: 14)
See reviews for Three Kingdoms: Tower Defense on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 2.57

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Date Author Rating Comment
Joshua Petrie
I learned next to nothing in the intro but looks like it is a 'gotcha TD' which is interesting. but as soon as i got to the main menue it say you get 3 'daily rewards' witch are obtained by watching ads for each one, what a deal. Lol no. Let me know if that changes.
Nic White
Great game and concept. Horribly balanced. The only way I can win rounds is if I have sun shangxiang on my team.
Alec Whitman
Needs balancing and a lot of work. Lots of promise but is definitely an unfinished product
Captain MAK Sparrow
A bit baggy. Quality is not the greatest. Very fun tho. No pop up ads which is awesome.
Zain James
Can't even play the tutorial is a progression block. It locks your screen to make sure you press where it wants you to but doesn't work when you press it. Also forces you to watch the ads for coins to even unblock the tutorial. Unplayable in my case. Fix the tutorial. I liked the first 30 seconds then uninstalled because of progression block.
Good game, constant crashes.
Tony Villegas
Name alone got an extra star but forced tutorials stops me from enjoying before I play the real game
Kinda like a few other games but pixelated and you build a deck instead of random chance
Shaun Doty
I am really critical of new games, and I simply have to say this needs to be better designed and better tested. I noticed that the waves start during the tutorial automatically and decided to see what happens if you lose the round with the tutorial up. Word of advice, don't. It jacks the game up. And speaking of the game, the UI is incredible small and cramped. There are very bright colors, like neon blue font, that honestly have no place in a game with so much stuff on the screen. 1/10.
Elder Chips
Eh, didn't give it much of a chance I didn't like the interface it's to small. The drag and drop method seemed meh. Would of been better with a click and click on target method, with how small it all was.