Shooting Battle

Test your shooting skills and play in the most competitive FPS shooting game!

Total ratings

4.76 (Rating count: 142,989)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good graphics
  • Enjoyable gameplay
  • No ads or minimal ads
  • Fun shooting mechanics
  • Overall balanced game
  • Many opponents appear to be bots, reducing competitiveness
  • Game requires spending money to progress
  • Game frequently crashes or has loading issues
  • Frustrating match outcomes and perceived rigging
  • Inconsistent response from controls during gameplay
Most mentioned
  • Bots in competition
  • Need for in-game purchases
  • Game crashes and loading problems
  • Difficulty in progressing without spending money
  • Gameplay mechanics and controls issues
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Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.76
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Date Author Rating Comment
Todd Fowler
Tplay venhe game is fine but if you get your finger the least bit too close to where the site is, you can't switch fingers or fix it at all you may as well just forfeit the match and start another one. I play another game shooting and you can put your other finger on the screen and it'll let you switch. That's enough for me not to want to even play it. Other than that it seemed like a really good game.
Ronald Miller
It's good, I suspect a lot of the competition is bots, though, and I don't like that. You gave an interaction menu, but you stuff a bunch of bots in who don't respond. I like the physics, could use some throatier gun sounds. But it's really not a bad game, fairly balanced, yes purchases but no ads (stick to that, please) . Five stars if I start seeing more real people and hear better muzzle sounds.
Larry W.
Fun at first, but levels advance much quicker than you can upgrade your weapons. No way to keep up without spending $$$. Then the game gets frustrating. Seems my "opponents" all have more advanced weaponry. Game wants to freeze occasionally and often takes 2 or 3 tries just to open it. I uninstalled and started over, thinking it was a glitch in the download, but it still happens. App won't open most of the time. Sorry, It's time for me to uninstall!
Rafael Ortega
I like the graphics and take out ads but it's a great game I enjoy challenging someone and give me more options on weapons and ammunition but I enjoy shooting at good targets. Improve on reloading rifle it takes my time away. In final suggestions I've more arenas to practice on or better more challenging targets. I hope you can come out with Shooting Battle 2 in the up coming years with real life shooters and challenge targets from around the world. Over all I like the game I enjoy it and keep w
Tony P
The way your opponents play feels very predatory. Throwing matches after playing perfectly feels very much like algorithmic ai (bots). Pay attention to the way your opponents play and you'll see what I mean. Kills all the fun in the game. For example I lost to an opponent who hit nothing but bullseyes from a moving target, I'm fine with that. What feels artificial is that they ask for a rematch, then proceed to not hit the bullseye once on a stationary target from the same distance.
William Finney
This game used to be awesome. Now, IF I'm lucky enough to get past the loading screen before it crashes, it crashes at the opponent selection screen. EVERY TIME!! I can't even play a match now. What good is a game I can't even play? I JUST installed the latest update on 7-8-21, and there's absolutely no improvement whatsoever. I've uninstalled, reinstalled. Force stopped, restarted. Even tried another device and is still not working. If you can't fix your game I'm uninstalling.
Daniel Van Ness
It's a good game. My problem is the opponents that aren't real. If you play long enough you can guess 3 out 4 times where the opponent's shot is going to land next. The most obvious being that if they take extra time they will always shot a dead center head shot bullseye regardless of the wind. Never off center, never a 7 point just miss. If the competition were real people they would make mistakes sometimes. When you are shooting really well it really sucks if the opponent hits 5 bullseyes.????
Fun at first, but then you realize they just want you to buy increasingly expensive bullets to compensate for wind. The person with the most money reduces the most wind. I like the graphics. I like the overall premise of the game. The devs and story makers just need to come up with more than a "pay-to-play to reduce kentucky windage" kind of game. Also, semi-auto weapons with a magazine wouldn't need to rack the charging handle between every shot; if you did that, it would waste a round.
Jared Bomus
Gets a little monotonous and without the better bullet-types — which don't come around too often for free — it's difficult to compete against players who frequently buy enhanced bullets. Too many gun options that are way too similar. I waste so much time just comparing which gun to use. SOMETIMES LESS IS MORE. Overall an enjoyable game — but for how long, or without spending lots of money — is the real question... I find myself playing it less and less lately.
James Bruen
So far quite enjoyable and not too many adds. The designers have done a good job of including wind to compensate for. But as the tours progress it get very difficult. You are already having a timer on your shot, which add pressure. Then you add the target moving and even more pressure, then you add another person to shoot against; you don't need to make it more difficult by having to compensate for more wind and a faster target. I am a rifle shooter for real, and there is a fun at shooting for distance for points. But the fast the targets are going, that is taking the fun out of it. And more often if you are not careful you are putting where you have to aim and shoot over your sights making it hard to even see much less hit the target.
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