Concordia Bank Mobile

Concordia Bank Mobile app provides 24/7 access to your accounts

Total ratings

3.69 (Rating count: 16)
See reviews for Concordia Bank Mobile on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 3.69

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40% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
Richard Marks
Very good service staff is friendly and helpful.
Remington Kesten
Concordia Bank is awesome, always friendly and helpful. The app is a little clunky but works as it should and has most modern day features you would expect from a banking app.
Sharon Norway
This is the worst app. I've uninstalled & installed several times & still my user name is there but no place to type my password. So then I used my partner's phone & it won't take the photo of a check I'm trying to deposit. Very frustrating.
A Google user
Great bank
A Google user
This app is not good! I liked the old one so much better. It is not clear on my phone. And a lot of times I can not access my account. It tells me to try again later.