RVR Bank Mobile

RVR Bank mobile banking gives immediate and secure account access on the go.

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3.85 (Rating count: 39)
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Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.85
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43% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Dale Gore
Alot of information made available in this well designed app. It helps that its for a great bank
Nikki South
It's wonderful every time
Cody Hansen
After this last update when I go to open it, the background is there the logos there but the circle never stop spinning. So I cannot even access anything on it. Hopefully this is rectified soon. So until that is fixed it's a one-star to me. I can't do anything with it.
Daron “IofZING” Dzingle
Excellent access to your personal Banking Needs
April Trisdale
This is the hardest app to try and log into. Every time I have to reset everything to get in. I just want to check on my money. It shouldn't be this difficult! Please fix!
Ryan Hanson
The app almost always functions smoothly. Login has security features yet has never been a hassle, considering I generally use it for a brief check of the account balance or processed transactions.
Rochelle Adame
Awful. I can't ever get signed in. It asks security questions I didn't choose and when I answer the security questions "like what is the middle name of your youngest child?" And I answer it it tells me my answer is incorrect. I have not been able to get on this app for over a year. It's frustrating to say the least.
Chris Bass
Worst app I've ever used, can never sign in. When I try to reset my password or user name it asks me to answer security questions I didnt choose because I don't know the answers.
Sara Watts
Very easy to use
Joan Menard
Can't even get the app to open singer this last upset unless I uninstall and reinstall. Only works one time then back to the spinning when its trying to open. Used to use it all of the time but cannot anymore.
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