Cryptogram +: Word Brain Game

Crack the cryptic quotes puzzle using letters and numbers to master cryptograms!

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4.44 (Rating count: 15)
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Recent rating average: 3.67
All time rating average: 4.44

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Anurupa Bhadra
Very interesting game
Elsworth Ebanks
I love this game,it relaxes me. Very educational . I gave it a four star for the reason it has very little hints. If it had more hints i would have gave it a five*****,please fix this. Andrew Ebanks.
Good game so far, I'm on level 5, but I hate the tutorial stuff. Completely ruined the first level for me that it showed me EVERY letter! Also took a lot of the fun away from level 5 that it FORCES you to use the powerup thing to reveal a word. I get showing people what something does, but they shouldn't have to use a powerup unless they want to/genuinely can't figure out a word, which level 5 doesn't even give you a chance, you just have to reveal a word, no way around that.