Hidden Animals: Photo Hunt

Collect your photographic trophies in worldwide photo safari! Search and find

Total ratings

4.47 (Rating count: 1,603)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Beautiful graphics and scenery
  • Educational and informative aspect about animals
  • Relaxing and fun gameplay
  • Challenging hidden object experience
  • Good for memory and eye movement
  • Some animals are difficult to see or poorly defined
  • Issues with game controls and zoom functionality
  • Intrusive ads
  • E rating may not be appropriate for young children
Most mentioned
  • Graphics are beautiful
  • Educational aspect of the game
  • Challenging to find hidden animals
  • Fun and relaxing gameplay
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.47
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Date Author Rating Comment
Debbie olson
major awesome game, effects are amazing, everything is beautiful! if you like animals and/or want to learn about them(let alone save them)play this, it's fantastic!!!!!!! good for eye movement, memory, educational, interesting, plus, you travel all over!!!! thank you
Jo Ann Swampgirl24
Terrible game! You can zoom in but you have to zoom back out to look in another area in the photo. The graphics suck also. I installed it and 4mins later I uninstalled it.
Shelly Weingart
Crisp app is top notch and Hidden Animals is their best. Sound effects and graphics are amazing, and there are many animals here I have never heard of. Plus a link to Wikipedia?! Love it!!
Julie Albert
E rating inappropriate. First pop up for time up scared the living daylights out of my son (age 6), who does not scare easily being from New Orleans where Halloween is as big as Christmas.
Jane Cheuvront
The animals need better definition. Some you can't see or barely see. Would make it better game if animals had better clearer definition.
Bev Peters
Scenery was beautiful but some of the animals were so hidden even after using a hint I couldn't see them. Uninstalled
Kathy Friend
This game is soo beautiful and relaxing. The graphics and designs are just breath taking. I don't ever want it to come to an end. Some animals/birds are a little tricky. Good job guys. When does a part two come out? I just LOVE this game.
K Smith
This is Very Cool Wish it didn't take up so much room But Great great graphics so... That's the price!!
Robert Mereau
If you love nature, you will love this game. I donwloaded several games trying to find something perfect to spot animals in a peaceful setting and am so happy I found this one. Well done devs!
Cheryl Steidel
Really fun with the moveable picture..great test because the animals are not easy to find..really good game
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