Unit Converter & Calculator

All unit converter and unit of measurement conversion app: check metric & area

Total ratings

3.43 (Rating count: 419)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Well organized and beautifully laid out user interface
  • Comprehensive variety of unit converters
  • Useful for various calculations and conversions
  • Intuitive to use and provides good conversion experience
  • Cannot change/select different units for conversion
  • Limited functionality, particularly for specific conversions like Fahrenheit to Celsius
  • Does not work properly on certain devices (e.g., Pixel 9 Pro)
  • App is overly reliant on internet connection, which limits usability
Most mentioned
  • Users cannot select or change units for conversion
  • Lack of dropdown menus for input values in conversion
  • Confusion over the app's ability to convert back and forth between certain units
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 3.43
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41% (9)
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41% (9)
Date Author Rating Comment
Hunter Richards
Doesn't work on Pixel 9 Pro. Can't change units. App appears to have potential but it needs some improvement.
philip brink
Can not change units. Doesn't help if if the user can't change/select different units to convert...
Nigel Shields
Useless, doesn't work at all on my phone
George Dagnall
Only the currency converter unit shows the drop down menu to change input values. The rest of the units do not show the drop down menu to change inputs on my phone.
Linda McElroy
Can not change the values, length is always meter to km. I want cm to in. Not helpful.
Steven Kiss
It designet for the US . It converts Celsius to Farenheit but not to Celsius from Farenheit! It does not let select the desired units!
Felishia Long
🤷‍♀️I don't understand any of the questions to answers, I can't figure out how to use this app. Can't figure out how to change my questions like $ per oz for a food item vs the same food item only the dollar amount is different$ per a different amount n oz so the answer would show me which is cheaper, or from feet to inches or yards and so on. 🤷‍♀️
Tim Smee
You cannot specify the units requiring conversion from and to. It is useless without it.
Nicole Fukagawa
I wanted to convert degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius, this converter would only go the other way. Not very useful
klatu ktulu
There are many type of converter modules. The downside is, in Tools section, the Calculator is not scientific as claimed. Therefor, loses 1 star.
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