Reviews of Zumrafood

List of user reviews and ratings for Zumrafood

Total ratings

3.50 (Rating count: 719)

Review summary

  • Variety of Asian food products available
  • Friendly customer service
  • Unique items and ingredients that are hard to find elsewhere
  • Good delivery system and renewable offers
  • App frequently crashes and closes by itself
  • Poor user experience and slow performance
  • High delivery fees
  • Customer support is not efficient or helpful
  • Many items are out of stock or too pricey
Most mentioned
  • App crashes and closes frequently
  • Delivery issues and high fees
  • Difficulty placing orders or logging in
  • Limited availability of products
  • Poor customer support experience
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 3.50
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Rating filters

5 star
8% (2)
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12% (3)
3 star
12% (3)
2 star
12% (3)
1 star
58% (15)
Date Author Rating Comment
Yousra Refaie
I saw lots of people who bought asian stuff from this app , and since I love asian cuisine and culture , I download this app like 2 times, and in both of them, it closes by itself so in the second time I tried to open it from Google store and it works but just like few moments and then closes again. I think if you work on this comment, I could change the rate from 2 stars to 5
yara farag
The app closes by itself. Kindly stop sending discount codes if the app won't work.
mana go
Whats wrong it always crashing if i open the apps to select orders it disappear everything... so i deleted so disappoited!
Mohga M.Elzoghby
بشع فعلا بيقفل كل مافتحه Awful. It shuts down every time I open it.
Samar Youssef (Silver brightness)
I was a Zumrafood customer for more than 5 years , suddenly the application since the last update doesn't work.everytime I open it closes itself. I tried multiple times uninstall and install it again but again doesn't work at all .and now all I have to do is using my account only by signing in by a browser! What's going on fr !
Fatma El Zahraa Magdy
The app turned terrible. Every time I open it, it closes by itself. I deleted it and downloaded again, but it's still the same issue.
Asmaa Mahmoud
I just downloaded the qpp and it is not working at all, it shows only a black screen then closed
Dina Elropy
So bad don't try install this app
Fatima Mohamed
You need a ui designer. There's so much need to change contact me if you're looking for one
Choi Seungri
There is no delivery to my city for Zumra products, which I originally downloaded the application to try their products.Now I have not benefited from the application at all. Customer service is not working .
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