Reviews of County National Bank Personal

List of user reviews and ratings for County National Bank Personal

Total ratings

4.49 (Rating count: 290)
See reviews for County National Bank Personal on Google Play Store
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Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.49
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Date Author Rating Comment
Nathan seelye
works as it should, would be better if it didn't automatically lock the app every couple of months and deselect biometrics until a new password is generated.
Blue Phone
I just reinstalled this after a year and it still won't do mobile deposit. that's literally all I want. I'm going to have to get a new bank with mobile deposit
The transaction ledgers display no running balance. Charges against accounts fail to be deducted from the accounts for days, and can even fail to be subtracted when the payment reads "processed," which can also take days. You should provide a running balance that includes outstanding checks and other payments in real time, or at least offer that option.
Damon Williams
Very responsive and easy to use. There could be more detailed instructions on exactly what one needs to do in order to get the camera to be able to "read" the checks for a mobile deposit. Other than a few hang-ups, it's a well-rounded app.
Debbie Eckart
Updated. No change except i haye how after i use it it runs in the backgound. I dont like things in my top right screen, lol. Otherwise ..... I think it's a good, no nonsense app that let's me do what I need to with no hoo-haw. I mostly log in with fingerprint, very rarely have to put in a password, I can move $$ between accounts, etc, etc. I'm thankful for how our local county banks oversees our accounts to try to keep scams to a minimum and prevent fraud. 👍🏻
Shannon Grames
The app itself is ok. Nothing fancy, somewhat straightforward, and boring. You can get what is needed done. Just don't forget to log in, at least weekly, or you'll be dealing with calling the bank for a temporary pin.
Dorian Roberts
Some of the features don't even work like the external transfer feature and the cards feature. These will always prompt an error message to pop up when I try to use these parts of the app. It's very disappointing because the app is otherwise pretty good.
The app has improved greatly since I posted my original review. Four stars simply because password and not a pin input is required and the only reason I've been able to stand this is because the new phone I use has better finger print recognition.
Shelly Yeo
With the release of the new app in 2020, we lost the ability to click on an item and see the previous month's charges to the same "company" compared. As I continue to make budget plans and financial decisions, I realize how much I miss this feature and how often I used it. Please bring it back!!
Cierra Snyder
Constantly malfunctioning and under construction. Requires password changes without warning. When it works it's good though.
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