County-City Credit Union

County-City CU Mobile

Total ratings

4.50 (Rating count: 10)
See reviews for County-City Credit Union on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.17
All time rating average: 4.50

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5 star
67% (4)
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17% (1)
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17% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
Janneyne Lovell
Love my CCCU. They are all wonderful.
Tammy McWilliams (*Mac*)
I LOVE CCCU'S Mobile App! I can do my banking ANYWHERE & EVERYWHERE! IF I do need help or have questions, I will email them & (BELIEVE ME...) They respond to my messages like... sometimes within an hour, sometimes before he day ends, but I have NEVER WAITED longer them a (NEXT DAY) response! (You can always Call for an immeiateI love my Credit Union! Thank you County-City Credit Union! T. McWilliams Jefferson, WI.
Loan officer Karen is not professional at all. I would never do my banking here. For a fairly small town. You would think she would be friendly and kind to customers. She is NOT unfortunately!!
Janneyne Lovell
I love banking here they know who you are and work great with you.
A Google user
Ed 3rd
A Google user
way better