Crazy Bowling

Crazy Bowling is exciting game more than 10-pin bowling!

Total ratings

2.73 (Rating count: 3,495)

Review summary

    • Too many ads
    • Game is broken or has questionable game mechanics
    • Poor graphics and controls
    • Instructions obscure gameplay
    • Unskippable ads after attempts
    Most mentioned
    • Too many ads
    • Game is broken or fails despite knocking down all pins
    • Ad interruptions after every attempt
    These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    See reviews for Crazy Bowling on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.70
    All time rating average: 2.73
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    Rating filters

    5 star
    5% (1)
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    5% (1)
    2 star
    29% (6)
    1 star
    62% (13)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Richard Lemon
    It's awesome
    Too many ads and wants access to photos for no reason: bad game
    Brian Leamy (brian bat)
    Ad infected pain in the butt to uninstall. Pop up Pop up ad ad ad. 1 star only because their no 0 .
    Did not even get to play. 5 ads and would take over my phone.
    conner's adventures
    Rated by conners most accurate app testing reviews: 1.0/5.0 stars, game name: Crazy Bowling. This app is absolutely terrible from the graphics, bowling swipe is sensitive. You knock all 10 pins down, and you still lose. One thing is the broken script of win and lose. But also on other attempts, there is a spam in advertisements which some are skip and some aren't. If you want a bowling game, go to another app. This one is trash.
    duhknees mi llamo
    Way too many ads. more ad time then play time.
    Ben Davies
    It was fun until I got to the seventh board I knock down all the pins and it say I fail with no instructions I can't figure out what it wants
    Allan Ross
    Fun to play but my local television has less ads.
    Dylan Garrett
    Too many ads and the game is broken. How do you knock down all of the pins and you still fail the level? Or you don't knock down all the pins and you pass the level?
    Bradley Vandenberg
    Waste of time to many ads throw 3 balls then a 30 sec ad. No thanx
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