AAG Meetings

The official app for AAG Meetings

Total ratings

2.73 (Rating count: 38)
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Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 2.73
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Date Author Rating Comment
A Google user
App crashes every time you try to perform a search
A Google user
Cannot open the app.
A Google user
Privacy Please! The AAG teams up with an app maker that needs access to my contact list, photos, etc. RESPECT AAG MEMBERS PRIVACY. Same clunky, pain in the butt interface, too.
A Google user
Privacy please
A Google user
I can't open it
A Google user
Not opening, once installed
A Google user
Good idea but crashes loads
A Google user
Seems to be a glitch with the search function: it searches while you type, interrupting your ability to enter a full search term. Hangs a lot with a window that says "loading...", or simply doesn't respond for 1-2 seconds to touch commands. Burning the battery and using a lot of data. Seems to resync the whole database?
A Google user
Had to delete 2014 to get 2015. Kept updating 2014.
A Google user
App is good. No more killing of mass trees. Don't really like the downloading of everything, that annoying and takes up space on my phone. Most important is to have the beginning and end time of each session; not just the start and duration. Having begin and end is much easier for session chairs. Fix it please - THANKS.
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