Random Royale-PVP Defense Game

PvP like you've never seen before! Invite your friends & enjoy endless battles!

Total ratings

3.91 (Rating count: 15,690)

Review summary

  • Fun and engaging gameplay
  • Strategic elements add depth
  • No mandatory spending required to progress
  • Fast match durations
  • Unique card mechanics and power-ups
  • Issues with bots dominating matches
  • Frustrating ad experiences
  • Lack of variety in legendary card pulls
  • Connectivity issues leading to lost matches
  • Frequent instances of unbalanced matchmaking
Most mentioned
  • Bots make gameplay too easy or unchallenging
  • Ads interrupt the gameplay and often fail to reward players
  • Players often receive duplicate legendary cards
  • Disconnect issues that penalize players
  • Game progression is hindered by limited card levels
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 3.91
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Date Author Rating Comment
Don Pog
Chalenge=lies. I get quests that require challenges to be done but everyday I look at it, it says that ir won't be active for more than 1.5 days. EVERYTIME. Because challenges aren't active yet I get quest for them, your game will never get more than 3* from me. You have requirements, yet wont allow a player to get them. Outside of that, the game is absolutely fun, cards don't require a level to achieve but are progression based with is amazing.
Vlad Greate
Fun and different kind of tower defense game with a strategic aspect. Great way to pass the time, matches don't take too long and has a lot of growth available for all. Downside is that ads are broken, I've watched about 4 minutes of videos in a row just to get more party play chances, yet no reward from watching videos. Even downloaded 2 games seeing if it'd work and nothing.
Logan Tullos
It's pretty fun but I'm at the point where I have 16 wins in a row because every single person I go against is a bot with the same or almost the same build as the one I faced before. Please remove bots from the game or give an option in settings to only match with real players because it's just way too easy to win. I can easily take this win streak to 100 if I want to.
Fun game, you dont need to spend money. I did to get 3 cards I really wanted. But I would suggest watching ads for party mode. You do get cards pretty quick so it won't feel like a endless grind to nowhere. And if you do decide to spend money just be patient they got some pretty good deals. I spent 8 bucks and got exactly what I wanted so it's not like you gotta break the bank.good luck hope yall find the game fun aswell.
dannon Schneider
This game used to be a 4 maybe 5,but now 0 and I started playing it almost at the beginning and I really liked it,but if i woup i have never seen a game in such disrepair there are so many hackers. The event hasn't changed in a year and the same stuff has been in the store for over a year. I don't know if it's laziness or just not caring but if you don't want to fix it sell it to someone who would. This game has huge patencial but not for long. Bring back the old game.
Jason Waller
This game is one giant ad revenue generator. Gameplay is far from Random. 9.5 times out 10 you are going to get the worst possible card combinations, because when you fail, you have to watch an ad for my tries. Even when you are flipping over cards in the bonus area, time after time the two main bonus cards (clovers) are always in the last few cards on the board because, guess what, you have to watch ads to get more trys. I have been trying to collect 6 cards to level up for 2 months.
Fixed the issue where game wouldn't start! Now my only problem is anytime I get legendary cards, whether it's paid for or earned, I ALWAYS get the same cards. It's infuriating! I've spent so much money on this game and constantly I'm getting nuclear, Thor, promotion, tsunami, tornado, summons, all the cards that are garbage. Every time! I literally never get newer ones.
Kevin Johns
Changing my rating from 3 to 4 stars because I am really enjoying the game. It's fun and addicting, and is an interesting blend of random and strategy. I still have to express all the negative though - still too many AI players. Is pay to win to an extent (you can grind to get good cards, but it will take forever). Wish there were more modes of play, as well as more cards. All in all - very fun game but you will need to buy some growth packs of some kind (maybe $100 worth) to be competitive.
I love this game and all, but my only concern is the fact of legendary cards pulls, most of the time I get legendary cards I ALREADY have. There are cards I haven't gotten since I started playing and it's been over a year now. I don't mind it with newer cards because it gives me something to keep looking forward to, but it's really frustrating at this knowing I still can't can't get it unless it buy it overpriced cash when the opportunity comes or in shop which is SUPER rare.
Ok look, ive played the crud out of this game when it first came out and things were just awesome! I decided to redownload it because i missed it but, boy was that a mistake. YOUR PRICES ARE INSANE NOW! back when i played it before and you guys actually released the "Battle Pass" it was only $10 for the premium pass. Now you want people to pay not only more for it but double what it originaly was and is worth.... You also want $31 for a simple skin pack? INSANE! Man, what hapenned to you guys??
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