
Simple. Smart. Real-time Collaboration.

Total ratings

4.46 (Rating count: 452)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and user-friendly
  • Helpful for professional communication and collaboration
  • Frequent updates and active maintenance
  • Great for community building and employee interactions
  • Offers useful features for document collaboration
  • Issues with media posting and permissions
  • Problems with loading replies on mobile while working fine on computer
  • Sign-up and login problems noted by users
  • Some users experiencing app freezing and crashing
Most mentioned
  • Easy to use
  • Professional communication
  • Frequent updates
  • Media posting issues
  • Login problems
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.46
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Date Author Rating Comment
sultan wali shah
Professional features and an awesome business oriented platform
Carl Mccoy
Can't post any media to my work group, we're pictures are necessary. I have given full permission for the app to use camera and gallery and it continuously tells me it can't do anything because it doesn't have permission. Tried to message support for help in app and the app went crazy freezing and forcing me to restart my phone. Absolutely trash program
Mario Marshall
It's fun creating community with the Convo platform. Virtually no glitches
muhammad bin laiq
The best application for collaboration. Helped me achieving my business targets easily and efficiently. Waiting for the new features
Jamie McLeod
Gets stuck on the "Why I vote" video, please fix!
Adnan Qaisar
Perfect app for enterprise communication. Helps to manage all office work, documentation, communication, and enterprise knowledge through a single app. App is actively maintained and keeps on adding enhancements.
A Google user
You can tell it's still under development, but they update frequently and respond to requests and suggestions.
A Google user
Convo works fine on my computer and I get notifications on my phone when someone answers a chat but their replies are not loaded so that I can see them on my phone. I have to go to the computer. I guess knowing to look for chat info is worth having convo on my phone...
A Google user
I love this app. Keeps me informed on what other stores are doing. And I love to Post my progress as I continue to grow.
A Google user
Easy to use and helpful
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