File Converter | All in One

Convert documents, images, audio, and more into various formats effortlessly.

Total ratings

2.21 (Rating count: 144)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Successfully converts files to PDF
  • Some users found the app useful for specific conversions
  • Extremely high number of ads
  • Limited file size for conversion without premium subscription
  • Requires credits or payment to convert files
  • Frequent failures in file conversion
  • Inconsistent performance and reliability
Most mentioned
  • Ads are overwhelming
  • Cannot convert files over 2MB without premium
  • Conversion failures and corrupt files
  • Needs payment for basic functions
  • App requires login and doesn't work properly
See reviews for File Converter | All in One on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.60
All time rating average: 2.21
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Rating filters

5 star
11% (3)
4 star
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7% (2)
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1 star
82% (23)
Date Author Rating Comment
Lau Lau
You all suck, can't even convert over 2mb, I'm using another converter and it's much more better, converting over 5GB+
Urooj Malik
Finally, I solved my issue just with this app to convert a file into PDF.. 💯👍❤️
Kimi Gaiku
Trash! Way too many ads and it doesn't recognize all kinds of files. Scam!
Ibrahim Yusuf
Nonsence app, wasting of data
Nadeem Baig
Multi file upgrade. Only online
Stephans Kuku
I don't even want to give it a star, can only convert up to 2Mb until premium
Ads Ads everywhere it's too much Edit: Yes I know that I can purchase to remove ads but what I'm complaining about is not the existence of ad but the amount of it And it's just absurd clicking anything or trying to go back gives you an ad A good amount would be to have an ad each time you convert the file or take more than like half an hour editing not each time I click something
Rushikesh Sanap
Neet to improve performance and speed
Maliha Tasnim Adrita
Worst app. You need to see an ad everytime your hand touches the screen and it doesn't even convert after watching about 10 ads
Sedayon, Leander C.
Every tap you made there is an Ads that will pop up
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