Construction Estimator App

construction cost estimator app helps you calculate building and house materials

Total ratings

3.36 (Rating count: 206)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helpful for builders and masonry
  • Works well for business aspects
  • Unique features and instructions tips
  • No option to change units (feet to metric)
  • Limited materials available for estimates
  • Annoying ads
Most mentioned
  • Lack of metric units
  • Limited material options (only bricks, beams, concrete)
  • Issues with app functionality (e.g., writing values)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 3.36
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43% (9)
Date Author Rating Comment
Albert Rai
Downloading, hope it will deserve my response 💋
Futhi Mbonambi
Enock Mafiko
The mistake you've made is to have only the option for measurements in feet . Please correct that and have a settings option where one can choose whether they want to use feets, meters or inches in measure measurements
Robert Paidoo
I recommend this app for builders and masonry
afjal husen
Much helpful when needed.
Crook Killers
It's only got bricks, beams and concrete.. was looking for a framing residential or commercial calculator. This is almost useless if it does not have anything other than paint.. really? , brick I understand.. , concrete is great but plaster ? Really lol where's the steel stud ? Where's the wood ? Where is roofing materials where is other types of siding ? Like stucior Vinal or hardy plank or.. watbif you use ICF foundations ? So many more things could be on this app but it's only got one useful
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Jeremy Robinson
I installed, opened the app, ad for AI sex. Uninstalled. I don't see any way to contact the developer.
Emperor kujabi Jatta
thanks alot
Prince Mija
What dimensions are used in bar spacing ? Example 6,8,10,12 are in inches or what.
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