Connection Bank

Welcome to the Connection Bank mobile banking application for Android.

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4.30 (Rating count: 246)
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Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 4.30
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50% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
James Rogers
Easy way to keep up with accounts.
Deana Dailey
Mobile deposit instructions should be at the beginning not the end of procedure
Lana Jefferson
Connection Bank masses too much in your account and mess them up when you have them fixed
Jon Wright
Constantly unable to log in due to technical difficulties. Or "app is down for maintenance" super frustrating.
Mandy Allen
Best bank app I have ever used. It updates immediately which helps to keep track of spending. Other bank apps take days to update which is why I switched from my previous bank.
Dallas Parker
I love that I can turn our debit cards on and off myself. I can also not allow some purchases and set limits.
Zachary Wood
Really laggy, unreliable when you need it doesn't work half the time. Have to exit out and get back in just to log in.
Lance Judd
Much better after last few updates! Seems the devs can quit their pizza delivery jobs and continue making apps that work!
Amanda Wilson
Bank is wonderful, the app however is constantly crashing or just refusing to open altogether and every update lately seems to make it worse. Definitely hope it gets fixed and soon
Min. Ronald Waytes, Jr. BTh, MTh
I have been with Connection Bank for over 20 years and within those years, I haven't ever a concern that an Agent and I didn't solve. I recommend this Bank to everyone near and far. The app is amazing, always up-to-date, never had a problem, and very interactive. I recommend this app to stop on top what matters the most, Your Finances.
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