JAScript - HTML CSS JavaScript

Create apps with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and offline TypeScript compiler

Total ratings

3.86 (Rating count: 245)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good code formatting and a variety of options.
  • Beginner-friendly app.
  • Works well for creating educational content.
  • Lacks proper documentation and help resources.
  • Issues with saving files and accessing files from file manager.
  • Some features missing compared to more advanced editors (e.g., VS Code).
Most mentioned
  • Need for better documentation.
  • Problems with saving and managing files.
  • Desire for more features like APK generation.
See reviews for JAScript - HTML CSS JavaScript on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 3.86
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43% (9)
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19% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Kanti Gupta
Extremely good! Best I have found on Play Store! But it lacks some features which if it were there then this could be comparable to VS code: No string interpolation in JS/TS. I can store a string in a variable I explicitly define to be a number in TS. Not the exact copy of where I used let or var, and how I formatted TS code while JS compile. No option for noImplicitAny in TS compiler options. Sometimes the output doesn't appear in the console in JS/TS. Please add AssemblyScript and Blazor too!
Resteer John Lumbab
In Projects Area, When I long press the project, no pop up option..
Jaislinn Kittel
It's a good editor for html5 only has few issues
Daniel Kipkemoi
Good app , one thing I'd like is for the app to save files to my custom folder
Lorenze Isorena (Renze)
i have a really big problem with this app, because i don't know how to open css file in this app, i can't style my web. edit: i just found out how to open css file. great app 100% recommended
JJ Bobis
Good code editor but needs more update (also please remove the "flipping animation", its not appealing).
Abdul Umande
Good App Keep it up for more features
wEiRd black kitten
It refused to save my codes. All my hard work went down the drain the instant I closed the app. Don't waste your time
S “DoubleD'sPlz” M
I love the app but I have been self teaching so I have not got to learn everything or even built test or try everything yet. But no matter the length I will get the whole thing i' the nut shell. Trying to self teach a few others as well but yes I love this very simple with my dyslexia and multitasking harder then I thought ..
Premsingh Padya
Waste of time in using this app. Please I would request you to not to use this. When ever I open Javascript file, it is just showing the interface (welcome) and getting error. Waste of time guys. Go for other applications.
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