Simple mode

Large text, big icons, and loud sounds. Make your phone easier for the elderly.

Total ratings

3.95 (Rating count: 16,405)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple instructions to follow
  • Useful for battery percentage management
  • Good accessibility features for technology use and navigation
  • Not compatible with many devices
  • Installed without user consent and cannot be uninstalled
  • Accusations of being spyware and invasion of privacy
  • Frequent update issues and bugs reported
Most mentioned
  • Not compatible with devices
  • Installed without permission
  • Issues with updating the app
See reviews for Simple mode on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.95
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Rating filters

5 star
28% (8)
4 star
10% (3)
3 star
2 star
10% (3)
1 star
52% (15)
Date Author Rating Comment
amer mhmod64
Please solve the problem of not updating layers And this app is no longer compatible with your device
Andy w Jackson
1 it's very useful when it's very useful when your batteries percentage I've used it a couple of times the first time I was a bit apprehensive the second time with more confident is a good setting on this mobile
Shovan Saha
This application was installed on my phone without my consent and it's uninstallable. I do not recommend this app or the company.
Socrates Of Thales
Oppos pre installed apps are no longer available for update on oppo phones Please leave this evil company and its evil ways of doing business.
RCP Taxi
Worst service personal data and photos collected very very worst service bbK electronics mobile all
My phone Android 11 but not supporte simple mode application? Choice my phone supporte
Raja Sah
This app isn't compatible in your device. Showing do something about it.
Chris Higgs
Why is this saying no longer compatible with your phone for?
Noushad Parambilangadi
This Application updation not working my phone. Please update all phone working updation
Realme 8 5G device model RMx3241 app not upgrading because. no longer compatible with the device writing show on Play Store please fix it.
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