Coin Identifier - Coin Value

Coin Identify, value guide, organize and track your coin collection

Total ratings

4.27 (Rating count: 9,298)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Some users found it easy to use
  • A few users expressed excitement about its potential accuracy
  • Inaccurate coin identification
  • Frequent ads and intrusive advertising
  • Difficulties with subscription management and refunds
  • Overall poor user experience
  • No customer support or help available
Most mentioned
  • Inability to identify coins accurately
  • High frequency of ads disrupting usage
  • Difficulties in cancelling subscriptions or managing accounts
  • Users feeling scammed or misled by the app's performance
See reviews for Coin Identifier - Coin Value on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 4.27
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Rating filters

5 star
17% (5)
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7% (2)
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3% (1)
1 star
73% (22)
Date Author Rating Comment
jeff ford
Useless app won't id any coins
aditya Sharma
this is a very poor app no real app April nahin Hai kripya ise aap download na Karen
Loreen Mendenhall
Tell me my phone is to old. Samsung S24 is not old ignorant.
Tammy Gramm
All it did, on my brand new 5G phone, is buffer...
Raybar Rebel
Worst app i have ever used, scanned a quarter and a dime and nickel american. Got every one wrong. Uninstalling!
Cynthia Kirby
Was charged 18.99 today for subscription and canceled today and cant get a refund . My coins don't even get identified ever as American coins. They always come up some foreign coin that it's not
Star Bright
Could not identify a dine , lol
Kaiden Sanchez
When I put a 1940 wheat penny from the usa, it showed a coin from the papal state in the 1800s
What a waist of time and did nothing
Chiku Kumar
good coin I am sale in my coin 2000Rs
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