WW2 Battle Front Simulator

Play 1:1 Multiplayer Battle Mode Now Open. Ignight your battle instict!

Total ratings

3.95 (Rating count: 15,598)

Review summary

  • Graphics are cool
  • Gameplay is smooth and user-friendly
  • Variety of units and game modes
  • Engaging battle simulation experience
  • Good potential for future updates and content
  • Issues with rewards not being received
  • Unit targeting and control could be improved
  • High cost and difficulty in upgrading units
  • Gameplay can be slow and grinding for certain unlocks
  • Bugs and glitches affecting gameplay experience
Most mentioned
  • Need for better unit targeting control
  • Frustration with reward system (gold and medals disappearing)
  • Difficulty in certain campaign levels
  • Desire for more scenery and unit options
  • Need for optimization to reduce lag
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 3.95
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Date Author Rating Comment
Anthony Hernandez
Great game, love the battles, very solid game. But things I would like if the add are, targeting priorities because I have one unit pick a like guy instead of the great threat which annoys me, also the fuel thing is annoying I wish if you could remove it I Don't play as often as I would if you removed it, the next isn't necessary but it would be cool if you add like armor on the tanks like a chance of blocking attacks on vehicles with their amor like in real life. But it's still a great game.
RandomGuy367 Gaonkar
Sir, the 'hurtgen forest' level is rigged. That is ONE 'hell-on-player's-mind' type of level. Thanks for the tutorial for that level. Besides, it takes ages to even unlock an epic unit. 200 replays on the 'Quick money' map just to get ONE good epic tank from the German side. Hard to grind on as well. Cool multiplayer but the matchmaking can be improved. The upgrading system for our troops is kinda expensive, and slow as well. Takes ages to upgrade a normal rifleman soldier to level 20.
This game is just so amazing. I'm very surprised these developers managed to make a game like this. There is just nothing wrong. It is missing air warfare I guess but it doesn't really need it since you get lost at the warfare between infantry and armoured troops. Download it I really recommend it! I even suggest combining a little bit of your own imagination to make the battles a little more fun but do as you will. Just take my word and download it,fun way to enjoy your offline time! 10/10
Gesha Piterskiy
Very good game with several major drawbacks : 1) only simple tactics - mutual attack, 2) only one stationary unit for defense, 3) lack of any organized unit structure - no squads, platoons, companies... I think the developers of this game are well behind the game designers who gave us Close Combat series of tactical level "strategy" games. So the urgent effort on part of the developers of this game is needed. Otherwise the customer base for this good game will not grow.
Zachian Shadowsmen
Love it. Its so good I just want to play it again and again. One con about it is that in the Campaign mode, the blue box is split in multiple places, and it would be AWESOME if that feature was in Custom Mode. I dunno if this game is taking suggestions or is updating, but it would be awesome.
The game is amazing but I have a few suggestions for it 1. the defensive machine gunner is really easy to kill and I think he should have a bit more health 2. Also the defensive machine gunner doesn't have a death animation when he gets shot with a rifle 3. A unit controller! At least for custom mode, would be amazing! 4. A "defenses" section would be cool there would be bunkers, buildings where soldiers are holding out or stationary artillery pieces. 5. the sniper should have more range
michael hodges
The game is awesome!! Graphics are cool ,game play is pretty smooth. Definitely user friendly. Also enjoy the choice of game mode. Only issue that ive had is i noticed after playing i dont know how many rounds of sandbox i wasnt receiving my rewards no gold or medals that was a bit frustrating.other than that id give it 5 stars. Well its been almost a week since i wrote this review and emailed the developer with no response, little diappointed.
Joan Black
I love this game, the game play is over all good, and there is many units to choose from and many tactics that you can use. It is a good game but there is many bugs .when you create a city in the sandbox mode the ai gets confused and would ram into the buildings and they would frequently get sticking each other in narrow spaces. When a tank is reloading and another tank is behind it, that tank will push it. Over all this is a good game and I would like to see an AI update and some new buildings.
Luke Mutschler
Absolutely amazing. Some of my favorite game genres are battle simulators and ww2 era games, and this game combines them both. There are a few critiques I have, like how the Epics are really pricey unless you want to spend real money and some of the levels being quite difficult without said Epics, but I can think past those critiques when I get into the game. Phenomenal.
Leslie Lilly
Like the game a lot, but I think it would be cool if a player had more control over the unit attack...by either setting units to attack certain enemy or doing so during battle by tap and holding a tank say...and then tapping an enemy unit...and the ability to maybe setting a unit to hold and defend a position before battle begins...either way I love the game idea...I will continue to play...great work!
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