Honolulu FCU Mobile Banking

Check your account balances, make transfers, and more!

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4.27 (Rating count: 15)
See reviews for Honolulu FCU Mobile Banking on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.27

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Date Author Rating Comment
Shyanne Kamai-Sionesini
Love the app. I can do virtually most day to day banking. However, the mobile deposit sucks. 7 day hold disclaimer. Yikes. Also, I gave it a 3 star because the bill pay feature isn't in the app. You have to log in to the website just or pay a bill. Super inconvenient.
Kuuleilani Weathington
Jerilyn Chang
Unable to reset the user name.
A Google user
Powerful tool Covid-19 has changed the way many companies do business. HOCU's mobile app allows me to view my account history, transfer funds, control my debt card (on/off), and even apply for loans from the comfort of my home. Doing my part #socialdistancing Stay safe everyone!
A Google user
would be nice if we can make mobile deposit with this app.