Freedom CU (UT) Mobile Banking

Check your account balances, make transfers, and more!

Total ratings

4.48 (Rating count: 26)
See reviews for Freedom CU (UT) Mobile Banking on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.33
All time rating average: 4.48

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Date Author Rating Comment
M Spilsbury
I Couldn't Log IN ("INTIALLY") For The 1ST TIME, & 2 Register Into My Account On the (On-Line Banking App), & Select My Password, & "IT" Wouldn't Let Me, &"IT" CAME UP W/A Error Message About MY Acount Being UnEnable, For Some Reason?!?? M.Spilsbury
A Google user
I really like the people that work at the bank. They really know how to take care of us.THANKS
A Google user
If I mess up my password 1 time it locks the whole account how stupid it should be at least 5 attempts and the locking account is annoying how you have to call just to unlock it
A Google user
One thing: please please please add a PIN feature so we don't have to log in with our full usernames and passwords every time. All my other banking apps have a PIN feature and it is so convenient!
A Google user
Always will love my bank!!!
A Google user
I like being able to access the billPay on the mobile. Great integration. Mobile check deposit. Can switch between multiple accounts. Well done guys!